International Refresher Course
February 22, 23, 24 and 25 - 2021
Chilean Institute of Clinical Social Work
ONLINE - 1 Version
Therapeutic approaches and practices in sexual abuse, serious abuse and neglect: A contemporary view from Clinical Social Work

MSW. E. Paola Grandón Zerega
Clinical Social Worker
B.Sc Major Psychology
BSW. Bachelor of Social Work
Master of Social Work: Mental Health Specialization

Mg. Diego Reyes Barría
Clinical Social Worker
Narrative Systemic Therapist
Master in Clinical Psychology: Systemic-Relational Line

MSW, JD. Larry Alicea Rodriguez
Clinical Social Worker and Attorney
Master of Social Work
President for Latin America and the Caribbean of the International Federation of Social Work (FITS)

Mg. Paulina Saldías Guerra
Social worker
Family and Couples Therapist
Master in Clinical Psychology: Advanced Systemic Studies of the Family and the Couple

General description
The main objective of this course is to provide therapeutic approaches and practices from a comprehensive and broad understanding of sexual abuse, serious abuse and neglect from a current perspective of Critical Clinical Social Work. The centrality of the course is aimed at delivering a contemporary paradigm, added to a theoretical-conceptual update and comprehensive, broad and integrative therapeutic tools to understand the effects of traumatic experiences such as sexual abuse, neglect and serious mistreatment in people ( children, adolescents and adults), families and society. On the other hand, it seeks to offer certain basic elements of contemporary approaches that can contribute to psychosocial, health, and judicial contexts, both public and private. The purpose is to provide an informed approach by Trauma and other clinical approaches from a contemporary practice that emphasizes resources, personal skills and local knowledge of the various human systems.
Social Work has historically fulfilled an important function within the field of child protection, seeking the restitution of the rights of children, adolescents and their families who have been seriously violated and who have faced traumatic experiences such as sexual abuse, gross abuse and neglect. Within these problems, and with the passage of time and research evidence, the urgent need has been identified for professionals who work in clinical work with children, adolescents and their families to develop therapeutic skills that allow a comprehensive understanding and a contemporary therapeutic approach that responds to the serious consequences of said serious traumatic experiences, especially in situations of complexity and high social risk. Among the most well-known studies at the international level, the adverse effects of traumatic experiences in childhood that last throughout the life cycle and that interfere with the optimal relational development at the personal, family and collective level of our society are identified, causing consequences at the level of problematic drug use, mental health problems and even general health difficulties. (Felitti et al., 1998; Goelitz and Stward-Khan, 2013; Cooper and Grannuci, 2015, Levine and Kline, 2016).
According to van Der Kolk (2014), Herman (2015), Blaustein and Kinniburgh (2012) a high percentage of adults who currently have mental health difficulties or problem drinking and who maintain a psychiatric diagnosis are survivors of a variety of serious traumatic experiences during childhood, such as sexual abuse, severe maltreatment and neglect. Thus, it is estimated that 3.9 million children and adolescents in the United States have had experiences of physical, sexual and psychological abuse, in addition to serious neglect at the level of caregivers (van der kolk, 2019). This leads to what Cannon (2013) refers to about severe mistreatment and sexual abuse being a kind of “hidden epidemic” in recent times. In Latin America, the figures are not very different, the studies on poly-victimization carried out in Chile indicate that over 60% of the people who participated in the research carried out by Guerra et. al (2017) were victims of traumatic experiences during their childhood and adolescence. Undoubtedly, the impact of sexual abuse, severe mistreatment and neglect passes through to the victim and generates serious consequences at the family level. Therefore, from contemporary perspectives, comprehensive approaches are proposed that include a therapeutic praxis at the individual, family and contextual level, integrating a gender, critical-postmodern approach, focused on trauma and strengths, complemented with an intersectional perspective. (Berthold, 2015; Mullaly and West, 2018; Brown, 2020)
In accordance with the foregoing, this course seeks to contribute to updating knowledge and basic tools that will make it possible to strengthen Clinical Social Work in mental health and in psychosocial contexts of serious violations of childhood and youth. It mainly seeks to provide broad and comprehensive views on the complexity of sexual abuse, serious abuse and neglect in a family context, as well as a collective one. One of the goals is strengthen contemporary therapeutic practice with those people who experience these traumatic effects in close family contexts. At the same time, the course seeks to provide basic tools of professional care in the face of retraumatizing work contexts, since in child-adolescent contexts there is a greater probability of developing emotional exhaustion and secondary traumatization, causing personal problems in professionals who work with said population with characteristics of High complexity. (Rubin and Bloch, 2000; Goelitz and Stuward-Khan, 2013; Rothschild, 2016)
Given this, the perspective used to understand all these approaches and phenomena is from a specialized disciplinary perspective, ethically collaborative and socially responsible. Which can be enriched through a narrative vision, focused on strengths, informed by trauma or other similar approaches that enrich the practice of Clinical Social Work from a humanly responsible, collective and ethically sensitive vision to the political and gender issues that are present. in structural violence and mental health problems in our contemporary society.
The course will have 21 pedagogical hours, distributed in evaluations and practical activities through a digital platform (moodle) within the training process.
Practical exercises will be carried out in the format of activities on the platform, which will involve therapeutic exercises and / or reading of documents in some basic tools of clinical intervention in Trauma from Clinical Social Work, which will be qualified by the rapporteurs.
General objectives
Strengthen knowledge and understanding of the socio-legal framework, as well as international disciplinary on sexual abuse, serious mistreatment and neglect from a comprehensive perspective.
Provide basic knowledge about the effects of sexual abuse, gross mistreatment, and neglect at the subjective, neurobiological and family-relational level from a trauma-informed practice.
Train and strengthen some essential contemporary therapeutic competencies for therapeutic work from a comprehensive, postmodern and family and subject-centered approach.
Deliver conceptual approaches and basic tools for the person of the professional who works in highly complex contexts.
Activity Aimed at:
Social Workers with a professional university degree and / or academic degree of Bachelor of Social Work; as well as university students of the last years of the career of Social Work. Other university mental health professionals can also study, with limited space (psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses, occupational therapists, etc.). Professionals and / or students are expected to be working or practicing in some mental health or psychosocial context.
Rapporteurs Curriculum:
MSW. E. PAOLA GRANDÓN ZEREGA: Clinical Social Worker and Psychotherapist trained in Canada. Bachelor of Science: Major Psychology (B.Sc.) from the University of Toronto, Canada. Honors Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) from York University Canada and Master of Social Work (MSW): Mental Health Specialization from the University of Toronto Canada. Revalidation of the professional title of Social Assistant by the University of Chile and Postgraduate Diploma in Child-Youth Clinical Intervention Strategies by the University of Valparaíso. Current member of the Canadian Counseling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA). Today he is updating his postgraduate training in the Certificate Program in Traumatic Stress Studies of the Trauma Research Foundation of the United States.
MG. DIEGO REYES BARRÍA: Clinical Social Worker and Graduate in Social Work from the Universidad de La Frontera. Postgraduate Diploma in Systemic and Family Psychotherapy from the University of Chile. International Diploma in Narrative Practices: For Therapy and Community Work by PRANAS Chile and Narrative Practices Adelaide Australia. Master in Clinical Adult Psychology: Specialization in Relational Systemic Psychotherapy from the University of Chile. He has done undergraduate and graduate university teaching. He has enough direct clinical experience related to the therapeutic approach with the child-adolescent and family population in Chile on issues of intrafamily violence, sexual abuse and serious mistreatment. He has served as Advisor and Clinical Supervisor in Reparation Programs for Serious Maltreatment and Child Sexual Abuse in Chile.
MSW. JD. LARRY ALICEA RODRIGUEZ: Clinical Social Worker and Lawyer with therapeutic and forensic practice. Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) from the University of Puerto Rico. Master of Social Work (MSW) with a concentration in families with children from the University of Puerto Rico. Juris Doctor from the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico. He is currently a doctoral student in Social Work at the University of Puerto Rico. Former President of the College of Social Work Professionals of Puerto Rico. He is currently President for Latin America and the Caribbean of the International Federation of Social Work (IFSW), an organization of which he is also a member of the World Executive. Director of the Support Program for Victims of Sexual Abuse and their Families (PAF) of the Carlos Albizu University. Today he works as an adjunct professor in the Master's Degree in Clinical Social Work at the Ana G. Méndez University in the Carolina Campus, as well as for the Social Work degree at the University of Puerto Rico.
MG. PAULINA SALDIAS GUERRA: Social Worker from the Universidad del Pacífico, Family and Couples Therapist from the Institute of Psychiatry and Psychology of Santiago, Master in Clinical Psychology: Relational Systemic Studies of the Family and Couples from the Alberto Hurtado University and the Chilean Institute Family Therapy. Extensive experience in the intervention with individuals and families in psychosocial programs of the state network and private foundations, especially in the area of health, childhood and adolescence, from topics such as: children with commitments to their health (Conin, Coaniquem), substance use (Hogar de Cristo, Unicef, Central Metropolitan Health Service), care for families with various family conflicts (Ceaf –UCSH), sexual abuse and severe child abuse (Previf Hospital Dr. Luis Calvo Mackenna). She is currently a professor at the Silva Henríquez Catholic University. Co-author of the book Intervention Model for Family Social Work (1998). Within his expertise is Systemic Family Therapy and social constructionism.
Monday February 22: 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Santiago de Chile time)
Tuesday, February 23: 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Santiago de Chile time)
Wednesday, February 24: 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Santiago de Chile time)
Thursday, February 25: 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Santiago de Chile Time
General Professionals: 50,000.-
Professionals from SENAME, Social Exclusion and Mental Health Programs: 40,000.-
Professionals Collegiate in Agreement (Exclusive for Provincial Valparaíso and Valdivia): 35,000.-
Last year University Social Work students: 35,000 (Send regular student certificate)
International Professionals: 70.00 USD Payment via Paypal
International Professionals in Agreement (Exclusive for the Jujuy & Santiago del Estero Association of Social Service Professionals of Argentina. Association of Social Workers of El Salvador) 40.00 USD Payment via PayPal
International Professionals in CELATS Peru Agreement. 40.00 USD Payment via PayPal
Moodle Platform (ICHTSC Virtual Campus) and Zoom (Pro)
All our courses are certified by IChTSC with a certificate of participation with a note, which is stamped and signed with their respective hours, name of the course, etc. If there are people who need a registration certificate to be able to present it at their workplace, they can write to our institutional email, once the course registration has been made.
For more information consult:
If you want to know the course program, click here
Steps to Enroll (follow the order of the steps):
People residing in Chile
Make the transfer to the Chilean Institute of Clinical Social Work Ltda. For the respective amount to the Current Account number 74737510 - Banco Santander - RUT 76.992.905-3
Send proof of payment to (SUBJECT: PAGO COURSE TSC NNA ONLINE)
Complete the form below:
People residing abroad:
Make the transfer through the Pay Pal System for the value of US $ 70 American dollars. (Request payment link by email to | or make the payment on the button at the bottom of the page.
Complete the form below: