Founder of the Chilean Institute of Clinical Social Work
Chilean/Canadian Clinical Social Worker and Psychotherapist. Trained in Critical and Antiopressive approach by York University and in Evidence-Based Practices by the University of Toronto. Bachelor of Science: Major Psychology (B.Sc.) from the University of Toronto, Canada. Honors Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) with Academic Distinction from York University Canada and Master of Social Work (MSW): Mental Health Specialization from the University of Toronto Canada. Research Assistant at the Fleming Maternal Studies Laboratory, University of Toronto School of Psychology, Canada. Revalidation of the professional grade of Social Work by the University of Chile and Postgraduate Diploma in Child-Youth Clinical Intervention Strategies by the University of Valparaíso. Current member of the Canadian Counseling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) and registered with the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (OCSWSSW). He also has professional internships at the Center for Addictions and Mental Health (CAMH) in the Youth Addictions and Concurrent Disorders Program Unit (650 clinical hours), and St. Joseph's Hospital in the Assertive Community Treatment Program unit (600 clinical hours). She served as clinical supervisor, team leader and co-designer of the gender-specific residential program at the Jean Tweed Center for Women and their Families in Toronto. Today he has 20 years of experience in therapeutic practice and clinical supervision in public and private institutions in the area of mental health, problem use, and dealing with traumatic experiences in adults as well as children and adolescents. Psychotherapist with an Anti-Oppressive, Trauma-Informed, Person-Centered, Feminist and Strength-Centered approach. She has been a speaker at seminars, talks, courses and at national and international congresses on Clinical Social Work, Mental Health and contemporary clinical practice in Social Work. She is a postgraduate university professor at the Andrés Bello University and undergraduate and postgraduate at the Viña del Mar University in Chile. He is currently doing a postgraduate update in the Certificate Program in Traumatic Stress Studies of the Trauma Research Foundation of the United States, an internationally recognized foundation with teachers such as Bessel van der Kolk, Stephen Porges, Richard Schwartz and others. She is the founder, co-director and teacher of the Chilean Institute of Clinical Social Work.
Area of specialization:
Clinical Social Work, Addictions and Mental Health
Critical and Anti-oppressive Social Work
Addressing events traumatic events with children, adolescents and their families
Addressing traumatic experiences with female survivors
Clinical Supervision
Lines of investigation:
Effects of trauma on parenting
Treatment of traumatic experiences with adults and children
Contemporary Individual and Family Therapy with an antiopressant approach
Trauma Informed Practice (TIP)
Evidence Based Practice (EBP)
Collaborative and Antiopressive Clinical Supervision
2021: Grandón, E. Paola. Contemporary Clinical Social Work from critical perspectives: A historical view and a philosophy of practice. Latin American Journal of Clinical Social Work. N ° 1 (1) 79-92. Chilean Institute of Clinical Social Work.
2020: Reyes, Diego and Grandón, E. Paola. Clinical Social Work, Trauma and Mental Health: General considerations, transversal aspects and contemporary elements. New Critical Action Magazine, N ° 9. Peru: Latin American Center for Social Work.
2020: Grandón, E. Paola. Trauma-Informed Clinical Social Work: A Comprehensive Approach for Therapeutic Accompaniment in Various Suffering Experiences. In Clinical Social Work: Latin American Perspectives and Related Contexts. Editorial Fundación La Hendija: Argentina. (In the process of publication).
2020: Reyes, D; Grandón, E. Paola and Ramírez, J. Clinical Social Work from a Strengths-Based Perspective: Possibilities for the development of an empowering practice with an impact on resilience. In Clinical Social Work: Latin American Perspectives and Related Contexts. Editorial Fundación La Hendija: Argentina. (In the process of publication).
2020: Grandón, E. Paola and Reyes, Diego. Anti-Oppressive Clinical Social Work: Possibilities for a political, critical and gender sensitive clinic. In Clinical Social Work: Latin American Perspectives and Related Contexts. Editorial Fundación La Hendija: Argentina. (In the process of publication).
2020: Reyes, Diego and Grandón, E. Paola. Clinical Social Work: Maps, Characters and Global Scenario . In Clinical Social Work: Latin American Perspectives and Related Contexts. Editorial Fundación La Hendija: Argentina. (In the process of publication).
2018: Grandón, E. Paola. Antiopressive practice in the context of Clinical Social Work . International Community of Clinical Social Work.

Founder of the Chilean Institute of Clinical Social Work
Clinical Social Worker and Bachelor Degree in Social Work (BSW) from University of La Frontera. Postgraduate Diploma in Systemic and Family Psychotherapy from University of Chile. International Diploma in Narrative Practices: For Therapy and Community Work by PRANAS Chile and Narrative Practices Adelaide Australia. Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology (M.A): Specialization in Relational Systemic Psychotherapy from University of Chile. He has done university teaching in undergraduate and postgraduate in Chilean universities. He has also served as Advisor and Clinical Supervisor in Severe Abuse and Sexual Abuse Reparation Programs in Chile. He has been a speaker at various congresses, conferences, meetings, courses, seminars and talks on Clinical Social Work, Mental Health and Family Therapy, both nationally and internationally, supported by trade unions, professional groups, universities and other public or private organizations. He has worked as a social worker, both in private practice and in public mental health services and in psychosocial reparation programs for serious maltreatment and sexual abuse with children, adolescents and families under a legal protection context in Chile. The clinical perspective of Social Work that he develops is based on a micropolitical, aesthetic and poetic, transdisciplinary, narrative, poststructuralist, postmodern, gender-sensitive perspective and the integration of the collective in the therapeutic exercise from a collaborative ethic and focused on social justice . He is currently founder, clinical supervisor, teacher and co-director of the Chilean Institute of Clinical Social Work. He is also director of the Latin American Journal of Clinical Social Work, the only journal in the world in Spanish on this specialty.
Area of specialization:
Clinical Social Work, Family Therapy and Mental Health
Lines of investigation:
Serious Abuse, Sexual Abuse and Intrafamily Violence
Mental Health, Narrative Practice and Micropolitics-Poetics
Epistemology and History of Clinical Social Work
Therapeutic practice as social criticism
Clinical Supervision from a Relational Systemic Perspective
Narrative T erapia for the therapeutic approach with individuals, families and groups
2021: Reyes, D. What is clinical? Some answers for a frequent question in the Clinical Social Work before the Epistemic Injustice that is lived ... Latin American Journal of Clinical Social Work. N ° 1 (1) 29-60. Chilean Institute of Clinical Social Work.
2020: Reyes, Diego (comp). Clinical Social Work: Latin American Perspectives and Related Contexts. Editorial Fundación La Hendija. Argentina. (In the process of editing).
2020: Reyes, Diego and Grandón, E. Paola. Clinical Social Work, Trauma and Mental Health: General considerations, transversal aspects and contemporary elements. New Critical Action Magazine, N ° 9. Peru: Latin American Center for Social Work.
2019: Reyes, Diego. Cartography of Clinical Social Work in Chile: A history under construction and a professional comment. Perspectives Magazine of the Silva Henríquez Catholic University. No. 34. Santiago de Chile.
2019: Reyes, Diego. Clinical Social Work as an Emerging Identity in Latin America: Weaving Subjugated Histories, Unifying Voices of Social Justice . New Critical Action Magazine, N ° 5. Peru: Latin American Center for Social Work.
2017: Reyes, Diego and Díaz, Mauricio. The place of systemic clinical practice in Social Work: A critical essay of the professional experience of two social workers in a reparation program in severe maltreatment and sexual abuse . Journal of Social Work of the University of Concepcion. Chili.
2017: Reyes, Diego. Clinical social worker: the subjugated identity, the identity that is reborn . International Community of Clinical Social Work.
2017: Fernández, Karina; Reyes, Diego and Regalado, Jonathan. Posthumous tribute to Michael White. International Community of Clinical Social Work.
2017: Antipan, Isabel and Reyes, Diego. Towards a Sociocultural Analysis of Mental Illness: The Mapuche Worldview and the Western Perspective on Suffering Subjective Suffering . International Community of Clinical Social Work.
2016: Reyes, Diego. Clinical Social Work, Subjectivity and Systemic Psychotherapy: A Micropolitical and Poetic Look at the Clinical Practice of Professionals Practicing in Public Context of Mental Health and Psychosocial Programs . University of Chile.
2014: Antipan, Isabel and Reyes, Diego. Social Work in Mental Health A Clinical Social Work? Costa Rica university.
2012: Reyes, Diego. Epistemology of Social Work: Definitions, complexity and identity . Surá electronic bulletin # 190, October 2012. University of Costa Rica.
2011: Reyes, Diego. An epistemological look at Chilean Family Social Work: proposals for the reintegration of Family Therapy . Costa Rica university.

International Collaborating Member
Clinical Social Worker and Lawyer with therapeutic and forensic practice. She studied her Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) at the University of Puerto Rico in Humacao. He studied a Master's Degree in Social Work (MSW) with a concentration in families with children at the University of Puerto Rico in Río Piedras and his Juris Doctor at the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico. He is currently a doctoral student in Social Work at the University of Puerto Rico. In 2014 he received the award for Distinguished Alumni of the University of Puerto Rico and in 2019 the Distinguished Alumni of the Inter-American University School of Law. He was President of the Puerto Rico Association of Social Work Professionals from 2012 to 2018. He is currently President for Latin America and the Caribbean of the International Federation of Social Work (FITS), an organization of which he is also a member of the World Executive. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Voces desde el Trabajo Social Magazine of the Puerto Rico Association of Social Work Professionals. He was Secretary and founding member of the Latin American and Caribbean Committee of Social Work / Social Service Organizations (COLACATS). He has written articles in newspapers, professional magazines, and chapters in edited books. He has presented papers at professional conferences in Puerto Rico, the United States, Spain, Chile, Uruguay, Panama, Colombia, El Salvador, and Peru. He maintains columns in newspapers in Puerto Rico and is a social analyst at a national radio station. He was a keynote speaker at the World Conference on Social Work in Dublin, Ireland, being the first Puerto Rican to have these functions at a world conference. His topics of interest are violence against the child-youth population, specifically sexual violence. Likewise, he studies and works as an expert in matters related to custody, relocation and affiliate relations matters in the family courts of Puerto Rico. She is a Human Rights activist, specifically in matters of the LGBTIQ collective. He also performs independent clinical and forensic practice. He is also Director of the Program to Support Victims of Sexual Abuse and their Families at Carlos Albizu University. Today he works as an adjunct professor in the Master's Degree in Clinical Social Work at the Ana G. Méndez University in the Carolina Campus where he teaches courses on theories and models of behavior, theories and models of human development, mental health and clinical intervention. He is also a professor of the Social Work Program at the University of Puerto Rico in Río Piedras, where he teaches the Intervention with People and Families I and II courses, the Social Work and Homosexuality course, and the Instruction in Supervised Practice courses.
Area of specialization
Clinical Social Work, Forensic Social Work, Mental Health, Social Policy Analysis and Administration of Social Programs
Lines of investigation
Gender constructions and their impact on family court decisions.
Child and adolescent sexual abuse, abused males
Custody for the custody of children
Family reunification therapy after traumatic processes
Forensic social expertise
Antiopressant Clinical Social Work
2021: Alicea Rodríguez, L. Prologue: New times for Latin American Clinical Social Work . Latin American Journal of Clinical Social Work. N ° 1 (1) 26-27. Chilean Institute of Clinical Social Work.
2020: Alicea Rodríguez, L. (2020). Approaches to Social Work from Decolonialist and Intersectional Perspective: A Latin American and Caribbean View. In S. Tascon & J. Ife (Edits), Disrupting Whitness in Social Work. New York: Routledge.
2018: Alicea-Rodríguez, L. Forensic Social Work in Latin America and the Caribbean: A look at professional practice in the legal field. In E. Pastor, C. Verde, & A. Lima (Edits.), Social Work in the face of the challenges of the XXI century from an Ibero-American perspective (pp. 267-278). Madrid: Thomson Reuters-Aranzadi.
2018: Alicea-Rodríguez, L. (2018). Voices, Social Work and times of struggle. Voices From Social Work, 6 (1), 9-17.
2018: Alicea-Rodríguez, L. and Rivera-Díaz, M. Human Rights in Health and Social Work in Puerto Rico: A Reflective Essay for a Proposal for Action. Voices From Social Work, 6 (1), 225 228.
2016: Alicea-Rodríguez, LE Implications on Recent World Legislation on the LGBT Community. In M. Vásquez-Rivera, A. Martínez-Taboas, M. Francia-Martínez, & J. Toro-Alfono, LGBT 101. A Look at the Collective (p. 344). Hato Rey: Puerto Rican Publications.
2007: Alicea, L .; Manzano, J .; Rodríguez, J .; Martínez, J .; Lozada, A .; Romero, J .; Lugo, M. Gender Differences and Sexual Abuse: Qualitative Study on Indicators related to Gender Differences during the Disclosure of Sexual Abuse in Sexually Abused Boys and Girls referred to the Support Program for Victims of Sexual Abuse and their Families. Support Program for Victims of Sexual Abuse and their Families, Community Mental Health Clinic, INC. , Approved and Sponsored by the Administration for Families and Children
2005: Colberg, E .; Dávila, M .; Gomila, R .; Padró, M; Martínez, G .; Alicea, L. & Rodríguez, J. Evaluation of the Psychometric Properties of the Trauma Symptom Checklist (TSCC) and the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI) in a Sample of Puerto Rican Minors Referrals for Allegations of Sexual Abuse. Support Program for Victims of Sexual Abuse and their Families, Community Mental Health Clinic, INC. Sponsored by the ADFAN Children's and Families Administration.
1999: Alicea L., Jusino F., Luna Y. & Rivera E. Families with HIV-AIDS Children: Social Biography, Perceptions about the Disease, Parenting Patterns and Opinions about the services they receive at the Program's Pediatric Specialty Services Clinic AIDS, attached to the Department of Health of the Municipality of San Juan, as of May 1999. University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, Graduate School of Social Work.

International Collaborating Member
Spanish Clinical Social Worker, Doctor in Psychology from the University of La Laguna, Master in Community Psychosocial Intervention from the University of La Laguna and University Expert in Psychotherapeutic Intervention UNED. University Expert in Neurofelicity applied to the field of health, Collegiate Training as Social Expert, Certified as Coach by the Spanish Institute of PNL & International Coaching Center (ICC), Certified as Practitioner of Neurolinguistic Programming by the Spanish Institute of PNL and ACOPROA, Titled in Eriksonian Clinical Hypnosis . Co-author of the book "Practices of Clinical Social Work" compiled by Amaya Ituarte (2017). He currently works as a Social Worker in the Public Social Services and exercises the independent practice of Clinical Social Work in a private practice. Trainer since 2013 in evaluation and diagnosis. He is a promoter of community programs for psychosocial intervention and a trainer in matters of clinical diagnosis and intervention in Social Work. He is part of the technical team of the PRISMA Tenerife Sur Network in defense of the LGTBIQ collective. Founding member of the Association for the Free Exercise of Social Work EM-SOCIAL. Coordinator of the Collegiate Commission of Clinical Social Work of the Official College of Social Work of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (First Spanish commission in Clinical Social Work). Coordinator of the Office of Clinical Social Work of the National Association of Social Workers in Free Practice. Dr. Regalado has a long and proven professional career in the specialty of Clinical Social Work, both in Spain and in Latin America, developing an intense work, both professional and teaching, for the defense, legitimacy and promotion of the specialty of Clinical Social Work in Iberoamerica. He is the founder, director and teacher of the Spanish Institute of Clinical Social Work, he also has 14 years of experience in clinical and social intervention, he has intervened with more than 1,500 cases and has given more than 3,000 hours of specialized training.
Area of specialization:
Clinical Social Work, Social Services, Brief Systemic Family Therapy and Mental Health
Lines of investigation:
History, Foundations and Practice of Clinical Social Work
Clinical Practice and Social Justice
Evaluation and Clinical Diagnosis
Parenting and Positive Discipline
Resilience and Quality of Life
Social Exclusion and Poverty
Disorders of the State of Mind. Child-adolescent behavior maladjustments. Vital crisis and family difficulties
2021: Regalado, J. Clinical Social Work in Spain: Past, present and future challenges for the consolidation of the specialty . Latin American Journal of Clinical Social Work. N ° 1 (1) 93-113. Chilean Institute of Clinical Social Work.
2020: Regalado, J. Clinical Social Work: some pertinent questions and answers for the current Ibero-American context . TS Diffusion. ISSN: 2341-0345.
2019: Regalado, J. Homelessness and Resilience: Analysis of the level and configuration of resilience factors. University of La Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
2017: Regalado, J. The evaluation and diagnosis in Clinical Social Work. In A. Ituarte (Coord.). Clinical Social Work Practices. Valencia: Nau Llibres.
2017: Regalado, J. The Diagnostic Classification in Social Work. TS Diffusion, 120, 28-30.
2016: Ruano, A. and Piñero-Regalado, J. Guide Depression: Useful information for affected people and their families. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Eutimia and Government of the Canary Islands.
2013: Herrera, JM (Dir.). Wagon development guide for life. Municipal guide to health, family education and drug addiction prevention of the Tegueste City Council. Illustrious Town Hall of the Villa de Tegueste.
2012: Herrera, J; Martinez, S; De la Rosa, M. and Piñero, J. A methodological proposal for the socio-sanitary diagnosis of cases. Journal of Social Work and Health, 71, 43-51.

Miembro Docente colaborador
Social Worker and Graduate in Social Work from the Universidad del Bío Bío. Postgraduate Diploma in Systemic and Family Psychotherapy from the University of Chile, Postgraduate Diploma in Family and Community Mediation from the University of La Frontera. Diploma in Social Skills and Labor Insertion from the Universidad del Bío-Bío. Diploma in Social Development from the Universidad del Desarrollo. He is currently studying a Master's Degree in Socio-Legal Intervention with Families at the Andrés Bello University. He has been a speaker at various national seminars and talks on Clinical Social Work and Narrative Therapy. In addition, he has vast experience as a social worker in social vulnerability and poverty programs; and in recent years it has been dedicated to the Repair of Serious Abuse and Sexual Abuse with the Child-Youth and Family population. He is currently part of the National Registry of External Experts of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Chile, as a social worker and is the Technical Coordinator of the Repair Program for Serious Abuse and Sexual Abuse "PRM Chillán" at the Ciudad del Niño Foundation, in the province of Ñuble.
Area of specialization:
Clinical Social Work, Systemic Family Therapy, Family and Community Mediation
Lines of investigation:
Serious Abuse, Sexual Abuse and Intrafamily Violence
Gender and Masculinities
Collective Narrative Practices
Social Exclusion and Poverty
Supervision in Clinical Social Work
2018: Díaz, Mauricio and Fontealba, Rocío. Group Therapy with Adolescents who have survived Sexual Abuse: An Experience with Collective Narrative Practices . Journal of Social Work of the University of Concepcion.
2017: Reyes, Diego and Díaz, Mauricio. The place of systemic clinical practice in Social Work: A critical essay of the professional experience of two social workers in a reparation program in severe maltreatment and sexual abuse . Journal of Social Work of the University of Concepcion.

Teaching Support Member
Social Worker and Graduate in Social Work from the Universidad de La Frontera. Postgraduate Diploma in Systemic and Family Psychotherapy from the University of Chile. International Certification in Dialogical Practices and Open Dialogues by Network for Dialogical Practice and Open Dialogues Argentina. Diploma in Family and Community Mediation from the University of La Frontera. She is currently studying a Master's in Gender and Culture Studies with a mention in Humanities at the University of Chile. She has participated and exhibited in national and international seminars related to Clinical Social Work with a gender perspective. In addition, he has carried out a therapeutic practice from the Clinical Social Work in a self-managed Comprehensive Community Health Center in Villa Francia, Metropolitan Region, Chile. He has also received clinical training, through academic liaison and clinical supervision for the care of individuals and families, performing systemic therapeutic care at the Center for Psychological Attention (CAPS) of the University of Chile, and has also participated in the Work Teams and Systemic Counseling (eQtasis), specifically in the Family and Couples Clinical Attention Team and the Gender and Family Study group, which are attached to the Department of Psychology. At present she works professionally in a program that works with vulnerable children.
Area of specialization:
Feminist Clinical Social Work, Social Work and Gender, Intersectionality
Lines of investigation:
Gender and clinical practice
Feminist Clinical Social Work and Intersectionality.
Integration of contemporary feminist thought and gender studies for the clinical practice of Social Work.
Gender-based Clinical Practice for the Public Context and work with families.
2021: Ramírez, J. Dialogic practice in Clinical Social Work: Reflections on the Open Dialogue in a childcare program . Latin American Journal of Clinical Social Work. N ° 1 (1) 151-167. Chilean Institute of Clinical Social Work.
2021: Reyes, D; Grandón, E. Paola and Ramírez, J. Clinical Social Work from a Strength-Based Perspective: Possibilities for the development of an empowering practice with an impact on resilience. In Clinical Social Work: Latin American Perspectives and Related Contexts. Editorial Fundación La Hendija: Argentina. (In the process of publication).
2021: Ramírez, J. “Camila's Life and her Fight Against“ Cancer ”: An Experience from Clinical Social Work with a Gender Approach at the“ El Allihue ”Social Help Center of Villa Francia in Chile”. In Clinical Social Work: Latin American Perspectives and Related Contexts. Editorial Fundación La Hendija: Argentina. (In the process of publication).
2021: Ramírez, J. "Clinical Social Work with a Gender and Intersectionality Approach". In Clinical Social Work: Latin American Perspectives and Related Contexts. Editorial Fundación La Hendija: Argentina. (In the process of publication).
2019: Ramírez, J. "Foundations of a feminist clinical social work: a perspective of gender, race and intersectionality" Perspectives Magazine of the Silva Henríquez Catholic University. N ° 33. Santiago de Chile.

Miembro Docente COLABORADOR
Trabajadora Social y Licenciada en Trabajo Social por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Magíster en Psicología Clínica, Estudios Sistémicos Avanzados en Familia y Pareja por la Universidad Alberto Hurtado y el Instituto Chileno de Terapia Familiar. Doctora en Psicología por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Postítulo en Justicia, Derechos y Políticas Públicas para la Infancia y la Adolescencia de la Universidad Diego Portales, Diplomado en Estrategias de Intervención en Abuso Sexual de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Especialización y experiencia en temas de trauma, violencia y abuso sexual infantil. Formación narrativa por PRANAS Chile. Experiencia docente en diversos programas de pregrado y postgrado variadas universidades chilenas. Se ha desempeñado como trabajadora social y directora en programas de Reparación en Maltrato, como coordinadora de Centros de la Mujer, trabajadora social en programas de atención a mujeres sobrevivientes de violencia sexual y como directora ejecutiva en Fundación para la Confianza. Ha sido expositora en diversos congreso y seminarios especializados en temáticas de trauma, violencia y abuso sexual infantil.
Área de especialización:
Trauma en personas adultas
Trauma familiar.
Violencia y abuso sexual infantil.
Terapia Narrativa para el abordaje terapéutico con personas y familias.
Líneas de investigación:
Maltrato Grave, Abuso Sexual y violencia Intrafamiliar.
Trauma familiar y transgeneracional.
2015: Latorre, M. Trayectorias y Narrativas de Experiencias Abusivas en las Biografías de Madres de Niños Víctimas de Abuso Sexual. Revista De Familias y Terapias, 38. 43-59.
2012: Latorre, M y otros. Abuso: Configuración y Supervivencia: Representaciones Sociales de Niños y Niñas y el relatos de Adultos Sobrevivientes de Abuso Sexual en su Niñez. Centro de Estudios Corporación OPCION. Editorial LOM. Santiago de Chile.

Teaching Support Member
Social Worker and Graduate in Social Work from the Santo Tomás University. Master in Family Law and Family Intervention from the University of Arts, Sciences and Communication. International Diploma in Clinical Social Work: For a contemporary therapeutic practice with individuals, families and groups of the Chilean Institute of Clinical Social Work. Therapist with training in the development of Bond Play Therapy, levels 1 and 2 by The raplay Institute (United States / Chile). Diploma in pedagogy for Higher education from the Santo Tomás University, Diploma in Social Expertise in Family judicial processes, Diploma in Parenting, attachment and childhood development by Fundación Ideas para la Infacia. He has served as a teacher in Undergraduate programs in the training of Social Workers for more than 5 years, developing participatory instances that promote the development of critical thinking and professional accompaniment from a respectful perspective. She has experience in the area of childhood and family, where she has addressed issues such as abusive sexual practices of children and adolescents, child sexual abuse, mistreatment and early institutionalization. For 4 years she has been a Clinical Social Worker in private practice, applying strategies from play therapy, respectful parenting and child mental health. Currently and two years ago, he has been part of the specialized legal representation team for children and adolescents of the Judicial Assistance Corporation, “My Lawyer” Program, generating actions aimed at family reunification, including within his professional work, focused approaches in strengths, resilience and empowerment of fathers, mothers and / or caregivers.
Area of specialization:
Clinical Social Work, Family Therapy and Bond Play Therapy, Parenting, attachment and child-rearing processes.
Lines of investigation:
Clinical social work and therapeutic accompaniment to caregivers of children in vulnerable contexts
Clinical supervision in socio-legal contexts
Constructionism and social constructivism in contexts of professional coordination
Violation of rights, transgenerationality and opportunities for improvement
2021: Cruz, E .. Clinical Supervision in Psychosociojuridical contexts: A proposal to incorporate a clinical perspective in professional coordination spaces . Latin American Journal of Clinical Social Work. N ° 1 (1) 186-199. Chilean Institute of Clinical Social Work.
International Diploma in Clinical Social Work
For a Therapeutic Practice Contemporary with individuals, families and groups
II Version

Guest Teacher (United States)
American Clinical Social Worker currently based in Boston in the United States. He completed his Bachelor of Arts (BA) at Eliot Pearson School of Child Study at Tufts University, and later obtained his Master of Social Work (MSW) at Boston University School of Social Work in the United States. He is Doctor Honoris Causa in Human Letters from the University of Connecticut, United States. He is currently an associate professor at Simmons College Graduate School of Social Work, where he chairs research and teaching on the fundamental sequence dynamics of racism and oppression. What's more it is the vice dean of the Community Commitment and Social Justice in the Faculty of Social Sciences, Politics and Practice (CSSPP) of Simmons University, serving as a professor of practice at the School of Social Work at Simmons University, and also teaches at the School of Nursing and Health Sciences at said university. On the other hand, he is linked to the affiliated faculty of the Center for Primary Care of Harvard Medical Schools in the United States; being an interested academic, as well as a counselor LGBTQ Individual and Family Advisor. It is also related to Brigham and Women Hospital; and is a consultant for Fenway Health in the Department of Behavioral Health. In June 2010, he was elected President of the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW or FITS), being the first person of color to hold this position. He is also a past president of the Massachusetts Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers and NASW National-Washington DC. Professor Bailey has received numerous awards and honors, was named National NASW Social Worker of the Year and Massachusetts in 1998. Ultimately, he was named Social Work Pioneer by the National Association of Social Workers in 2005, making him the youngest person to receive this honor, joining the likes of Jane Adams, Whitney M. Young, and Dr. Helen Reinherz of Simmons University.

Guest Teacher (United States)
Clinical Social Worker of South Korean origin currently based in Boston in the United States. He completed his Bachelor of Arts: Psychology (BA) at the University of New Hampshire and his Master of Social Work (MSW) at Boston College in the United States, obtaining his Independent License for Clinical Social Work (LICSW) in Commonwealth, Massachusetts. Through the Federal TRIO and Latinx Leadership Initiative programs, it has maintained direct contact with the Latino population, conducting professional training internships in Argentina and Guatemala. He has worked as a clinical social worker at Lynn Community Health Center, Boston Children's Hospital, and currently practices at Massachusetts General Hospital, carried out clinical practice with the child-adolescent and family population, dedicating himself to individual psychotherapy, group therapies, defense of cases and therapeutic counseling mainly with the Latino population and specifically from Central America.

Guest Teacher (United States)
Clinical Social Worker of South Korean origin currently based in Boston in the United States. He completed his Bachelor of Arts: Psychology (BA) at the University of New Hampshire and his Master of Social Work (MSW) at Boston College in the United States, obtaining his Independent License for Clinical Social Work (LICSW) in Commonwealth, Massachusetts. Through the Federal TRIO and Latinx Leadership Initiative programs, it has maintained direct contact with the Latino population, conducting professional training internships in Argentina and Guatemala. He has worked as a clinical social worker at Lynn Community Health Center, Boston Children's Hospital, and currently practices at Massachusetts General Hospital, carried out clinical practice with the child-adolescent and family population, dedicating himself to individual psychotherapy, group therapies, defense of cases and therapeutic counseling mainly with the Latino population and specifically from Central America.

Guest Teacher (United States)
Clinical Social Worker of South Korean origin currently based in Boston in the United States. He completed his Bachelor of Arts: Psychology (BA) at the University of New Hampshire and his Master of Social Work (MSW) at Boston College in the United States, obtaining his Independent License for Clinical Social Work (LICSW) in Commonwealth, Massachusetts. Through the Federal TRIO and Latinx Leadership Initiative programs, it has maintained direct contact with the Latino population, conducting professional training internships in Argentina and Guatemala. He has worked as a clinical social worker at Lynn Community Health Center, Boston Children's Hospital, and currently practices at Massachusetts General Hospital, carried out clinical practice with the child-adolescent and family population, dedicating himself to individual psychotherapy, group therapies, defense of cases and therapeutic counseling mainly with the Latino population and specifically from Central America.

Guest Teacher (United States)
Clinical Social Worker of South Korean origin currently based in Boston in the United States. He completed his Bachelor of Arts: Psychology (BA) at the University of New Hampshire and his Master of Social Work (MSW) at Boston College in the United States, obtaining his Independent License for Clinical Social Work (LICSW) in Commonwealth, Massachusetts. Through the Federal TRIO and Latinx Leadership Initiative programs, it has maintained direct contact with the Latino population, conducting professional training internships in Argentina and Guatemala. He has worked as a clinical social worker at Lynn Community Health Center, Boston Children's Hospital, and currently practices at Massachusetts General Hospital, carried out clinical practice with the child-adolescent and family population, dedicating himself to individual psychotherapy, group therapies, defense of cases and therapeutic counseling mainly with the Latino population and specifically from Central America.

Guest Teacher (United States)
Clinical Social Worker of South Korean origin currently based in Boston in the United States. He completed his Bachelor of Arts: Psychology (BA) at the University of New Hampshire and his Master of Social Work (MSW) at Boston College in the United States, obtaining his Independent License for Clinical Social Work (LICSW) in Commonwealth, Massachusetts. Through the Federal TRIO and Latinx Leadership Initiative programs, it has maintained direct contact with the Latino population, conducting professional training internships in Argentina and Guatemala. He has worked as a clinical social worker at Lynn Community Health Center, Boston Children's Hospital, and currently practices at Massachusetts General Hospital, carried out clinical practice with the child-adolescent and family population, dedicating himself to individual psychotherapy, group therapies, defense of cases and therapeutic counseling mainly with the Latino population and specifically from Central America.

Guest Teacher (United States)
Clinical Social Worker of South Korean origin currently based in Boston in the United States. He completed his Bachelor of Arts: Psychology (BA) at the University of New Hampshire and his Master of Social Work (MSW) at Boston College in the United States, obtaining his Independent License for Clinical Social Work (LICSW) in Commonwealth, Massachusetts. Through the Federal TRIO and Latinx Leadership Initiative programs, it has maintained direct contact with the Latino population, conducting professional training internships in Argentina and Guatemala. He has worked as a clinical social worker at Lynn Community Health Center, Boston Children's Hospital, and currently practices at Massachusetts General Hospital, carried out clinical practice with the child-adolescent and family population, dedicating himself to individual psychotherapy, group therapies, defense of cases and therapeutic counseling mainly with the Latino population and specifically from Central America.

Guest Teacher (United States)
Clinical Social Worker of Peruvian origin currently based in New York City in the United States. He completed a Bachelor of Arts: Psychology (BA) and a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) at Southwestern College Winfield, Kansas in the United States. He subsequently obtained his Master of Social Work (MSW) from Fordham University Graduate School of Social Work of New York City, and his PhD in Social Work from Yeshiva University in New York. He has served as a clinical social worker in the field of mental health at the Puerto Rican Family Institute-Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic in the Bronx of New York, as well as at the Bronx Lebanon Hospital Center-Bronx. Today he still practices as a professional at Queens Neuropsychiatric Institute-Outpatient Mental Health Clinic and Community Counseling Services, Center Moriches in New York. He has made various publications of articles, newspaper notes and books among which are “The Intervention of the Social Worker in the Hospital Center: challenges for the Profession” (2018) and “Hospital Social Work Interventions” (2019).

Guest Teacher (United States)
American Clinical Social Worker. He obtained his Bachelor of Arts (BA) at the University of Michigan, later the Master of Social Work (MSW) from the Smith College School for Social Work and completed an Advanced Psychotherapy Training Program Certificate, at the Washington School of Psychiatry. He is currently in the private practice of psychotherapy and clinical case counseling in Silver Spring, Maryland. He has been recognized as a Distinguished Professional by the National Academy of Practice in Social Work, is also an Instructor of Psychiatry at the George Washington University School of Medicine, and is Consulting Editor of the prestigious Clinical Social Work Journal. He is a member of the Association for Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work. He has published more than 40 articles and book chapters, many of them on community care for people with serious mental health problems, in various Social Work, Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry journals. He is a member and affiliate of important institutions such as the Clinical Social Work Association, China American Psychoanalytic Alliance, The Institute for Clinical Social Work, National Association of Social Work, International Association for Relational Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis and the Greater Washington (DC) Society for Clinical Social Wor in the United States.

Guest Teacher (USA)
Clinical Social Worker with Mexican roots. Bachelor of Social Work (BSW), Concentration in Women Studies, University of Illinois. Certificate in Addiction Counseling from Triton College (CADC). Master of Arts (MA) Social Service Administration, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from the University of Chicago. Active member of the Latino Social Work Organization, Illinois Association of Social Workers, Council for Social Work Education, American Educational Research Association, Society of Social Work Research, National Association of Chicana / o Studies, School Social Work Association of America, American Council for School of Social Work. She is currently a professor at the School of Social Work at the Dominican University in the United States. She has 14 years of experience as a school social worker and is a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW). Her research topics focus on Latino youth, school social work, immigrant adaptation, international social work, school equity, and trauma. She is the senior editor of Children & Schools, recently published her book “School Social Work: National Perspectives on Practice in Schools” (2020), which promotes School Social Work aligned with the national practice model with a special focus on the intersectionality of diversity. In addition, he continues his clinical practice with asylum seekers, with a focus on trauma survivors.

Guest Teacher (Puerto Rico)
Puerto Rican Clinical Social Worker dedicated to Child and Youth practice. He obtained his Bachelor's Degree in Social Work (BSW) from the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, later his Master's Degree in Clinical Social Work (MSW) from the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico and is currently studying the Doctoral Program in Clinical Social Work at the latter institution. . She is a certified Child Centered Gaming Therapist by the University of North Texas, United States, as well as a Counselor on Substance Use and Abuse by Puerto Rico & Florida Recovery Training Academy. As of 2017, he has dedicated himself to planning and coordinating actions in the area of mental health, where he has stood out by offering re-education and social reintegration services to the population that has committed sexual intercourse, as well as problems of substance use, child abuse. and victims of domestic violence. He has also had professional experiences at the San Juan Capestrano Psychiatric Hospital, where he trained to offer services in the Partial Hospitalization division. Currently, he is collaborating with the Puerto Rico Plays project, together with a team of professionals trained in Play Therapy. The service has been offered to children with acute stress and anxiety due to environmental catastrophes. She is currently the Director of Puerto Rico Play Therapy and President of the Center for New Opportunities for Change (NOAC) MK ENTERPRISE INC.

Guest Teacher (Australia / France)
Clinical Social Worker of Australian nationality. Bachelor of Social Work from Curtin University, Australia and Masters of Narrative Therapy and Community Work from the University of Melbourne, Australia. He has more than 15 years of experience in clinical practice with populations from various countries (Australia, Mongolia, Benin, Singapore, New Zealand, Malaysia, Palestine, Turkey, Ukraine, Germany, Greece, Spain and the United Kingdom) addressing the effects of experiences traumatic events in populations that have been victims of torture and political asylum. For the past 6 years he has been developing narrative practice through consultations and workshops for filmmakers, artists and content creators to assist in the development of projects and ethical explorations, dedicating himself to creatively co-investigating alternative narrative practices in response to trauma. , injustice and the operations of power that cause individuals, families and communities to limit their possibilities to guide their lives and expressions, which can reflect their values and commitments. She has participated as the protagonist and consultant in the film projects "Island of the Hungry Ghosts" and in "The Island" by director Gabrielle Brady. Currently she is also a consultant teacher at the Dulwich Center in Australia (Center founded by one of the creators of Narrative Therapy, Michael White) and is a Clinical Mentor at the School of Social Work at the University of Melbourne, serving as a tutor for the Master in Narrative Therapy and Community Work.

Guest Teacher (Puerto Rico)
Clinical Social Worker. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Social Work from the University of Puerto Rico (BSW), a Master's Degree in Social Work (MSW) from the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico and a Doctorate in Education with a mention in Professional Counseling from the Inter-American University. Child Centered Play Therapist certified by the University of North Texas, United States. Advisor on Substance Use and Abuse for Puerto Rico & Florida Recovery Training Academy. She has done undergraduate and postgraduate teaching as a professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico (PUCPR), in that institution, she reached the rank of Assistant Professor in the Department of Clinical Social Work of the College of Graduate Studies in Behavioral Sciences and Matters of the community. He has collaborated and participated with various work committees at PUCPR, including the Accreditation Committee of the Middle State Commission on Higher Education, the Accreditation Committee of the Council on Social Work Education, and the Promotion and Recruitment Committee. She served as a Mentor for the Association of Graduate Students in Clinical Social Work (PUCPR, 2011-2018). Today she works as an academic at the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico.
Guest Teacher (USA)

Docente Invitada (Estados Unidos)
Es Trabajadora Social, Terapeuta Narrativa y Master of Social Work por George Warren Brown School of Social Work at Washington University en St. Louis, Estados Unidos. Es directora del Centro de Terapia Familiar de Evanston y miembro del cuerpo docente del Centro de Salud Familiar de Chicago. Es supervisora aprobada por la American Asociation of Marrige and Family Therapy, como también es autora y docente de terapia narrativa de renombre internacional. Después de recibir su maestría en 1975 comenzó a estudiar terapia familiar, y a partir de 1986, realizó estudios intensivos con Michael White y David Epson. Su carrera profesional comenzó trabajado en escuelas con niños y niñas en situación de exclusión social de escuelas públicas, luego entró en la práctica privada. Tiene una práctica clínica en el área de Chicago y consulta a programas para personas con VIH ya escuelas. Jill es invitada continuamente a presentar en conferencias nacionales e internacionales. Ha dirigido talleres sobre varios aspectos de la terapia narrativa en todo el mundo. Jill es conocida y respetada por su estilo cálido, relajado e inspirador, así como por la forma en que encarnan las ideas que enseñan. Ha publicado una diversidad de artículos sobre terapia narrative y dentro de sus principals publicaciones están sus libros escritos junto a Gene Combs son: Symbol, story, and ceremony: Using metaphor in individual and family therapy; Narrative Therapy: The Social Construction of Preferred Realities y Narrative therapy with couples . . . and a whole lot more!. Como también Strengthening resistance: The use of narrative practices in working with genocide survivors (escrito junto a David Denborough y Cheryl White). Jill ha recibido una variedad de premios y reconocimientos, entre los cuales están el premio a la Excelencia Docente en el Campo de la Terapia Narrativa de Vancouver por la Escuela de Terapia Narrativa en 2014, siendo reconocida como Asociada Honorario de Taos Institute en 2010, y recibiendo, junto con Gene Combs, el premio a la contribución innovadora a la Terapia Familiar de por la Academia Americana de Terapia Familiar (AFTA) en 2009.

Guest Teacher (USA)
Clinical Social Worker of Argentine origin, who is currently practicing independently in Massachusetts, United States. Bachelor of Arts: Psychology and Anthropology (BA) from the University of Illinois, Chicago and Master of Social Work (MSW) from Boston College, United States. Certified as Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker (LICSW) by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB). He has deepened his postgraduate studies by receiving a Post Graduate Certificate Program in the Treatment of Trauma from Boston University in the United States. She currently practices her private practice as a psychotherapist at Hope Ave Therapy Associates and as a Clinical Social Worker at Brockton Neighborhood Health Center and East Boston Neighborhood Health Center, United States.

Guest Teacher (Puerto Rico)
Puerto Rican Clinical Social Worker. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Social Work (BSW) from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico. As well as a Master's Degree in Clinical Social Work from the Universidad Interamericana Recinto Metro. He is currently part of the first class of Doctorate in Clinical Social Work at the Universidad Interamericana Recinto Metro. He has a certification in First Aid in Mental Health granted by the FHC Puerto Rico. He is a graduate of the first group of entrepreneurs from the CUD Star Your Business Academy of the Centro Unidos de Detallistas Puerto Rico. He has work experience in mental health hospitals and as a Community Social Worker. He was Coordinator and Supervisor of service programs in the Department of Housing. Today, he is the administrator of the Pavia Ponce Behavioral Medicine Clinic, Partial Hospitalization Program.

Guest Teacher (Puerto Rico)
Puerto Rican Clinical Social Worker dedicated to clinical practice with people and adolescents who have committed infractions of the law in Puerto Rico. He obtained his Bachelor's Degree in Social Work (BSW) from the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, later the Master's Degree in Clinical Social Work from the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico and is currently studying the Doctorate Program in Clinical Social Work at the latter institution. She is a Counselor on Substance Use and Abuse for Puerto Rico & Florida Recovery Training Academy. He has worked directly with adolescents since 2017 in the school environment in the Department of Education. He entered the area of mental health with reeducation and social reintegration services through individual and group therapy, to populations that have committed practices of domestic violence, of sexual abuse, as well as that they present substance use, behavioral problems and various mental health problems. She is currently a Community Access Facilitator in a program that provides services to HIV patients, is Director of the Reeducation and Social Reintegration Program and Vice-President of the Center for Opportunity and Adaptation to New Changes (NOAC) MK Enterprises, Inc.

Guest Teacher (Puerto Rico)
Puerto Rican Clinical Social Worker dedicated to clinical practice with people and adolescents who have committed infractions of the law in Puerto Rico. He obtained his Bachelor's Degree in Social Work (BSW) from the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, later the Master's Degree in Clinical Social Work from the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico and is currently studying the Doctorate Program in Clinical Social Work at the latter institution. She is a Counselor on Substance Use and Abuse for Puerto Rico & Florida Recovery Training Academy. He has worked directly with adolescents since 2017 in the school environment in the Department of Education. He entered the area of mental health with reeducation and social reintegration services through individual and group therapy, to populations that have committed practices of domestic violence, of sexual abuse, as well as that they present substance use, behavioral problems and various mental health problems. She is currently a Community Access Facilitator in a program that provides services to HIV patients, is Director of the Reeducation and Social Reintegration Program and Vice-President of the Center for Opportunity and Adaptation to New Changes (NOAC) MK Enterprises, Inc.

Guest Teacher (Puerto Rico)
Puerto Rican Clinical Social Worker dedicated to clinical practice with people and adolescents who have committed infractions of the law in Puerto Rico. He obtained his Bachelor's Degree in Social Work (BSW) from the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, later the Master's Degree in Clinical Social Work from the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico and is currently studying the Doctorate Program in Clinical Social Work at the latter institution. She is a Counselor on Substance Use and Abuse for Puerto Rico & Florida Recovery Training Academy. He has worked directly with adolescents since 2017 in the school environment in the Department of Education. He entered the area of mental health with reeducation and social reintegration services through individual and group therapy, to populations that have committed practices of domestic violence, of sexual abuse, as well as that they present substance use, behavioral problems and various mental health problems. She is currently a Community Access Facilitator in a program that provides services to HIV patients, is Director of the Reeducation and Social Reintegration Program and Vice-President of the Center for Opportunity and Adaptation to New Changes (NOAC) MK Enterprises, Inc.

Guest Teacher (Puerto Rico)
Puerto Rican Clinical Social Worker dedicated to clinical practice with people and adolescents who have committed infractions of the law in Puerto Rico. He obtained his Bachelor's Degree in Social Work (BSW) from the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, later the Master's Degree in Clinical Social Work from the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico and is currently studying the Doctorate Program in Clinical Social Work at the latter institution. She is a Counselor on Substance Use and Abuse for Puerto Rico & Florida Recovery Training Academy. He has worked directly with adolescents since 2017 in the school environment in the Department of Education. He entered the area of mental health with reeducation and social reintegration services through individual and group therapy, to populations that have committed practices of domestic violence, of sexual abuse, as well as that they present substance use, behavioral problems and various mental health problems. She is currently a Community Access Facilitator in a program that provides services to HIV patients, is Director of the Reeducation and Social Reintegration Program and Vice-President of the Center for Opportunity and Adaptation to New Changes (NOAC) MK Enterprises, Inc.