International Diploma in Clinical Social Work: For an internship contemporary therapy with individuals, families and groups
2nd Version - 2021
Call closed.
Pioneering and unique program in Latin America, which is committed to the critical, political and contemporary clinical practice of Social Work.
General information
On March 20, 2019, the Chilean Institute of Clinical Social Work was born with the purpose of providing training spaces regarding content, practices and specialized knowledge for the qualified exercise of the clinical practice of Social Work, as well as for other professions that are interested in develop an ethically collaborative, critical therapeutic exercise based on Social Justice.
Thus, a large part of our teaching team has been directly or indirectly involved with the development of Clinical Social Work in Chile and also internationally, promoting a contemporary therapeutic practice that is consistent with our Latin American reality, and specifically with the realities nationals. Given this, the Chilean Institute of Clinical Social Work as a broad social project, during all this time has been dedicated to participating through a series of meetings, courses, seminars, conferences, webinars, talks, etc; either with various public or private agencies, NGOs, trade union organizations and associations, higher education institutions and even with public health, mental health and psychosocial programs in force in the country, as well as abroad. It has been an intense journey, traveling through different places and countries, weaving professional ties, which has been exciting to be able to work in collaboration with many people, colleagues, forging friendships, sharing knowledge and commitments around what matters to us at Work. Clinical Social, as well as in the development of Latin America and in life.
Therefore, and due to all these efforts, this year 2021 we will carry out the 2nd Version of the International Diploma in Clinical Social Work: For a Contemporary Therapeutic Practice with People, Families and Groups . This time we will share a strengthened, high-quality systematic training program with unpublished bibliographic materials, coupled with the participation of prominent international colleagues from various countries who are clinical social workers. The purpose is to enrich our program with the integration between theory, research, methodology, international association and clinical supervision. We hope to be able to cultivate a professional community of Clinical Social Work with the intention of continuing to promote various therapeutic practices that are anti-oppressive, ethically collaborative, depathologizing, critical, transparent, that defend cultural dignity, being sensitive to gender and political aspects. wide. Our further intention is to be able to generate knowledge that is translated into professional practices that are applicable and translated to different people, families and groups, in different areas of professional performance, whether in public or private contexts, which can be related to mental health , community work, free exercise of the profession, practice in educational systems and / or in psychosocial programs or other new clinical settings or therapeutic contexts under development and / or construction.
Program Justification
The new challenges of the professional practice of Social Work in direct care and in the face of the growing mental health problems linked to the current type of society, and added to the demands of the National Mental Health Plan (2017-2025) regarding the promotion and strengthening Community Mental Health in social workers and other professions. During the last time, contemporary Clinical Social Work has been reflecting on the need to make efforts to socialize and update content and methodologies that can do justice to the new problems and challenges that our society experiences with respect to mental health. According to a global health reality, the World Health Organization (2018) announces the urgency of developing comprehensive care in the field of mental health, strengthening and promoting practices that provide responses across different human systems. This is mainly due to the fact that depression will become the second world disease that will cause disability in people, being number one in developing countries. All this is aggravated by some recent studies that report that today we enjoy the worst mental health in the region, this being catastrophic in the child and adolescent population. (Jiménez & Radiszcz, 2012; Salinas, 2019; Herrera, 2019)
Under this panorama, Clinical Social Work constitutes a postgraduate specialty of the profession, being an important professional practice in mental health, which is widely developed in the United States, Canada, Germany, Puerto Rico, Australia, etc. (Northen, 1995; Dorfman, 1986, 1996; Paquin, 2009; National Association of Social Workers, 2005; Canadian National Association of Social Workers, 2008; Rosario and Sánchez, 2014; Nieves-Rolón, IE, Rivera Rodríguez, E., Ortiz-Candelaria, VC, & Pérez-Martínez, K. L, 2019; Australian Association of Social Workers, 2019). However, these countries have regulations, high-level postgraduate training, maintaining the use of licenses and / or clinical records that clarify a vast disciplinary journey, this reality being the one that differs abruptly in several Latin American countries. It is for this reason, and given the specific training gap, added to the language gaps (English proficiency) and the limited access to clinical supervision, that we as an Institute have decided to offer for the second time in Latin America, a qualified program in Clinical Social Work, with a contemporary orientation, which seeks to do justice to our peoples, societies and cultures.
Therefore, our purpose in this course is to contribute to updating knowledge and technical-operational tools that will allow strengthening and / or carrying out Clinical Social Work practices in mental health and in psychosocial contexts, or in other therapeutic / clinical contexts. emerging through a specialized disciplinary perspective, integrative exercise, ethically collaborative and socially committed from a contemporary critical stance. Our entire program is traced by contemporary approaches to the clinical practice of Social Work, which are: trauma-informed practice, empowerment-centered practice, antiopressive practice, practice grounded in gender studies and feminisms, practice focused on networks and collectives; and finally, narrative practices, based on strengths and centered on cultural dignity. On the other hand, we hold conversations with relational, collaborative, solution-focused, dialogic or other perspectives that can provide answers to the formative and contextual needs of our clinical practices in Chile or for other Latin American countries or interested parties.
From these transversal approaches and in dialogue with other perspectives, it is possible to carry out a Clinical Social Work that maintains a humanly responsible, comprehensive, collective and ethically sensitive vision of the political and gender issues that are present in the problems of structural violence and violence. mental health in our society. We mainly want to take the principle of Social Justice of the profession to promote an embodied, anti-oppressive clinical practice, located in contexts, seeking the dignity of local cultures and with the intention of depathologizing the subjective suffering of individuals, families and groups.
General Objective of the Program
Formatively promote contemporary clinical processes that generate transformative and pertinent methodologies for the therapeutic approach with people (children and adults), families and groups; contributing to the construction of a disciplinary perspective in Clinical Social Work or in the related profession, that contemplates a broad reflective framework of social reality and that enables critical, ethically collaborative, respectful, transparent and sensitive clinical work to gender and diversity cultural, ethnic and socio-political.
Specific Objectives of the Program
Train clinically and preferably social workers or social assistants or other professions in the therapeutic field, in order to promote a contemporary practice of clinical work, which considers social changes in terms of mental health and psychosocial problems that impact people, families and groups.
Develop transversal and contemporary therapeutic approaches under perspectives that involve the increase of subjective well-being, quality of life and social justice in the various human systems.
Advise and clinically supervise Social Work professionals or related professions, to deploy intervention tools and systematization of their intervention processes, with the intention of creating methodologies relevant to the social, cultural and political reality of the respective country.
The diploma to be delivered will be certified by the Chilean Institute of Clinical Social Work and by the Spanish Institute of Clinical Social Work.
Addressed to:
People who preferably have the professional title of Worker and / or Social Worker (with 10 academic semesters), desirably it is expected that they have the academic degree of Bachelor of Social Work or in the respective discipline. Other professions related to mental health (Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Occupational Therapists, Nurses, etc.) may also apply. However, there will be a limited quota for these related professions and their background will be evaluated by the Internal Evaluation Committee of the Chilean Institute of Clinical Social Work. Additionally, university students of the last year of the career of Social Work, Psychology or another profession may study the program in order, as long as they have a bachelor's degree and are studying professional practice in some place related to mental health, repair in serious mistreatment and sexual abuse, or other program and / or device compatible with the objectives of this program, demonstrating some competence or training skills that are related to the Diploma.
If you have questions about whether or not you can participate, please write to:
The modality of this diploma in this 2021 version will be ONLINE due to the health context. The activities will be carried out through the virtual platform –Moodle– and the classes are online in real time (synchronous) through Zoom. The real-time class schedule is: Friday and Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., and from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Once a month) and online classes of specialized thematic international seminars are on Saturdays (fortnightly).
Program Hours:
The hours of the academic program are distributed as follows:
Synchronous Online Hours:
Online classes in real time (160 hrs)
Online classes in real time by International Guest (56 hrs)
Preparation, Consulting and presentation of seminar work (60 hrs)
Asynchronous Online Hours:
Required Reading (122 hrs)
Online activities (132 hrs)
Total hours of direct classes: 276
Total non-contact hours: 254
TOTAL DIPLOMA HOURS: 530 teaching hours.
Requirement to obtain the diploma:
Have attended 85% of the elective activities in person (they can only miss 3 times with duly justified reasons).
100% participation in activities on the digital platform.
Pass all the modules of the program with a minimum grade of 4.0.
Approve the seminar project to obtain a diploma.
Have paid the monthly payments for the program in full.
Requirements to Apply:
Complete the application form:
Attach professional documents (certificate of title and / or academic degree) in the Updated CV for selection. Inside the form is the respective section.
Once selected, an application interview is held via Skype and / or video call (gmail) with members of the Institute's Evaluation Team.
Once all the above requirements have been approved, enrollment in the program will be accepted.
Tariff, Place and Registration:
Registration $ 100,000.- CLP
Tariff $ 1,500,000.- CLP (General Public)
Fee $ 1,350,000.- CLP (Professionals who work in Health, Mental Health and Psychosocial Programs)
Fee $ 1,350,000.- CLP (Exceptional Cases upon request to the Institute)
Fee $ 1,250,000.- CLP (Chilean Association of Social Workers: Provincial Valdivia, Puerto Montt and Valparaíso)
International Registration $ 200 USD (American Dollars)
International Tariff $ 1,800 USD (American Dollars)
International Tariff with agreement (Professional Association of Jujuy & Santiago del Estero, Argentina - Association of Workers and Social Workers of El Salvador) $ 1350 USD (American Dollars)
International Tariff with CELATS Peru agreement $ 1350 USD (US Dollars)
Place: Moodle and Zoom Platform.
* Payment in cash of the Tariff, you get a 20% discount (does not apply if you meet the previous conditions. Payment in installments with a maximum of 10 installments (checks or guarantee promissory note)
If you want to see the curriculum, click here
If you are international and have been accepted, pay your tuition directly in the following button:
Teaching Team and Cloister IChTSC Academician | 2021
B.Sc, BSW, MSW. E. Paola Grandón Zerega: Clinical Social Worker and Psychotherapist trained in Canada. Bachelor of Science: Major Psychology (B.Sc.) from the University of Toronto, Canada. Honors Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) from York University Canada and Master of Social Work (MSW): Mental Health Specialization from the University of Toronto Canada. Revalidation of the professional title of Social Assistant by the University of Chile and Postgraduate Diploma in Child-Youth Clinical Intervention Strategies by the University of Valparaíso. Current member of the Canadian Counseling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) and registered with the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (OCSWSSW). She served as clinical supervisor, team leader and co-designer of the gender-specific residential program of the Jean Tweed Center for Women and their Families in Toronto Canada. Today he has 20 years of experience in therapeutic practice and clinical supervision in public and private institutions in the area of mental health, problem use, and dealing with traumatic experiences in adults, as well as with children and adolescents. She has been a speaker at seminars, talks, courses and at national and international congresses on Clinical Social Work, Mental Health and contemporary clinical practice in Social Work. He is currently updating his postgraduate training in the Certificate Program in Traumatic Stress Studies of the Trauma Research Foundation of the United States, an internationally recognized foundation with teachers such as Bessel van der Kolk, Stephen Porges, Richard Schwartz and others. She is the founder, co-director and teacher of the Chilean Institute of Clinical Social Work.
MG. Diego Reyes Barría: Clinical Social Worker and Graduate in Social Work from the Universidad de La Frontera. Postgraduate Diploma in Systemic and Family Psychotherapy from the University of Chile. International Diploma in Narrative Practices: For Therapy and Community Work by PRANAS Chile and Narrative Practices Adelaide Australia. Master in Clinical Adult Psychology: Specialization in Relational Systemic Psychotherapy from the University of Chile. He has served as Advisor and Clinical Supervisor in Reparation Programs for Serious Maltreatment and Child Sexual Abuse in Chile. He has been a speaker at various congresses, conferences, meetings, courses, seminars and talks on Clinical Social Work, Mental Health and Family Therapy, both nationally and internationally, supported by trade unions, professional groups, universities and other public or private organizations. He has worked as a social worker, both in private practice and in public mental health services and in psychosocial reparation programs for serious maltreatment and sexual abuse with children, adolescents and families under a legal protection context in Chile. He has also been an undergraduate and graduate teacher at Chilean Universities. He is currently the founder, teacher and co-director of the Chilean Institute of Clinical Social Work; It is also compiling the first book on Clinical Social Work in Latin America, sponsored by the Editorial Fundación la Hendija of Argentina, which is entitled "Clinical Social Work: Latin American Perspectives and Related Contexts."
PhD, MSW, LCSW. Kendra Roberson - Docente Internacional Invitada (Estados Unidos):
Trabajadora Social Clínica estadounidense actualmente radicada en Boston, Estados Unidos. Realizó sus estudios de pregrado y su Master of Social Work en Boston College, y su Doctorado en Trabajo Social (PhD) por University of Maryland at Baltimore, Estados Unidos. Ha sido docente en la Universidad de Washington desde el año 2008 y ha enseñado en los campus de Seattle y Tacoma. Mantiene una práctica privada de salud mental en Brownsville, TX, Psychotherapy + Plus (Psicoterapia Integrativa), que se centra principalmente en la recuperación de traumas, así como una práctica de terapia de grupo en Seattle, Ashia Circle Therapeutic Services, centrada en el empoderamiento y la salud socioemocional de las niñas y mujeres negras. La Dra. Roberson imparte cursos de práctica directa y, al hacerlo, enfatiza el uso de prácticas contemplativas para su propio cuidado y el de su estudiante como un medio para mantener y prepararse para el trabajo clínico. Sus escenarios profesionales han incluido organizaciones sin fines de lucro, una agencia de adopción internacional, una clínica comunitaria de salud mental, servicios de salud en el hogar y centros psiquiátricos para pacientes hospitalizados. Ella es actualmente la presidenta de la Clinical Social Work Association (CSWA), también es miembro de la Asociación Nacional de Trabajadores Sociales (NASW) y miembro de la Sociedad Internacional de Estudios sobre el Estrés Traumático y la Asociación Internacional de Profesionales del Trauma. Tiene licencia como trabajadora social clínica independiente tanto en el estado de Washington (LICSW) como en Texas (LCSW-S), donde además es psicoterapeuta, docente y supervisora clínica.
PhD, BSW. Judith Brown – Docente Internacional Invitada (Australia):
Es una trabajadora social clínica, terapeuta familiar y psicoterapeuta dialógica, quién ha sido pionera en la introducción de la práctica dialógica y el diálogo abierto en Australia. Ella posee un Bachillerato en Artes (B.A) y un Bachillerato en Trabajo Social (BSW) por la Australian Catholic University. Tiene una Maestría en Terapia Familiar y de Pareja por University of New South Wales de Australia, como también el grado de Doctora en Filosofía (PhD) por University of New South Wales de Australia. Ella posee una formación avanzada como Psicoterapeuta y Supervisora Clínica en Práctica Dialógica y Dialógos Abiertos por Dialogic Partners y la University of Jyväskylä de Finlandia. Como trabajadora social clínica y terapeuta familiar activa en Australia, Judith ha trabajado durante los últimos 13 años ofreciendo servicios terapéuticos a personas, parejas y familias en el sector privado, como también en una clínica especializada de salud mental para niños, niñas y adolescentes, trabajando con la población infanto-juvenil en cuidados fuera del hogar junto a sus cuidadores. Ella mantiene una amplia experiencia en el área de trauma, negligencia y alteración del apego de niños, jóvenes y adultos. Actualmente mantiene una práctica privada en una población de alto riesgo social en el norte de Sydney, donde brinda terapia a personas con diversos problemas de salud mental. Judith siempre ha tenido un interés particular en el Trabajo Social Clínico, como en la teoría y práctica de la Terapia Familiar y de Pareja, la cual ha complementado con la más recientemente formación internacional en psicoterapia dialógica, siendo la única australiana que ha viajado a Finlandia tanto para observar la práctica del diálogo abierto (Tornio, 2011) como para recibir formación en diálogo abierto y práctica dialógica (Helsinki, 2016-2018). Está acreditada internacionalmente para supervisar y capacitar clínicamente a otros terapeutas y clínicos familiares en Diálogo Abierto y en el enfoque dialógico para la terapia familiar y de pareja. Ella ha publicado artículos científicos en destacadas revistas tales como: Journal of Family Therapy, Child and Family Social Work y en la Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy. Actualmente está acreditada como Trabajador Social Clínica Especialista en Salud Mental (AMHSWs) y es miembro de la Australian Association of Social Workers y de la Australian Association of Family Therapy,
DHL, MSW, ACSW. GARY BAILEY - International Guest Teacher (United States): American Clinical Social Worker currently based in Boston in the United States. He completed his Bachelor of Arts (BA) at Eliot Pearson School of Child Study at Tufts University, and later obtained his Master of Social Work (MSW) at Boston University School of Social Work in the United States. He is Doctor Honoris Causa in Human Letters from the University of Connecticut, United States. He is currently an associate professor at Simmons College Graduate School of Social Work, where he chairs research and teaching on the fundamental sequence dynamics of racism and oppression. What's more it is the vice dean of the Community Commitment and Social Justice in the Faculty of Social Sciences, Politics and Practice (CSSPP) of Simmons University, serving as a professor of practice at the School of Social Work at Simmons University, and also teaches at the School of Nursing and Health Sciences at said university. On the other hand, he is linked to the affiliated faculty of the Center for Primary Care of Harvard Medical Schools in the United States; being an interested academic, as well as a counselor LGBTQ Individual and Family Advisor. It is also related to Brigham and Women Hospital; and is a consultant for Fenway Health in the Department of Behavioral Health. In June 2010, he was elected President of the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW or FITS), being the first person of color to hold this position. He is also a past president of the Massachusetts Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers and NASW National-Washington DC. Professor Bailey has received numerous awards and honors, was named NASW National and Massachusetts Social Worker of the Year in 1998. Finally, he was named a Social Work Pioneer ( by NASW in 2005, making him the youngest person to receive this honor, joining the likes of Jane Adams, Whitney M. Young and Dr. Helen Reinherz of Simmons University.
M.A, MNTCW, PS. JACQUELINE – Docente Internacional Invitado (MÉXICO/SUIZA):
Terapeuta Narrativa, cisgénero y heterosexual, Jacqueline es psicologa y Licenciada en Psicología por la Universidad Iberoamericana en la Ciudad de México. Es Master en Terapia del Arte Clínica en la Facultad de Pareja y Familia de la Universidad de Loyola Marymount en Los Ángeles, California en Estados Unidos y obtuvo el grado de Maestría en Terapia Narrativa y Trabajo Comunitario con distinción honorífica por la Universidad de Melbourne en Australia. Es candidata al Doctora en Psicología por el TAOS Institute y Tilburg University de Holanda. Durante los últimos veinte años ha trabajado como terapeuta, docente y supervisora clínica acompañada de una perspectiva de género interseccional y una ética de justicia social. Es fundadora y directora de Espacios Narrativos, una organización de la sociedad civil que busca contribuir en el robustecimiento de historias de dignidad y de justicia en personas y comunidades que experimentan los efectos de las prácticas de violencia sistémica, criminal, política y de género mediante el acompañamiento terapéutico y el desarrollo de programas psicosociales con infancias, juventudes y adultos desde las prácticas narrativas, las teorías decoloniales y el arte visual. Jacqueline Sigg ha sido docente en la ciudad de México del curso de Trabajo Comunitario en la Universidad Iberoamericana y de Terapia Familiar en la Universidad de las Américas. En la actualidad es parte del claustro docente en el Máster de Terapia Narrativa y Trabajo Comunitario de la Universidad de Extremadura, España y desde el 2015 imparte el Diplomado en Terapia Narrativa y Arte desde Espacios Narrativos. Jacqueline ofrece conferencias, talleres, cursos y supervisiones en México, España, Canadá y Estados Unidos alrededor del trabajo terapéutico y comunitario para responder a las experiencias de violencia y trauma. Es miembro de la American Family Therapy Academy (AFTA), la Australian Counselor Association (ACA), la Asociación Española de Terapia Narrativa (AETEN), la Association of Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) y la Federación Francófona de Prácticas Narrativas (FFPN). Actualmente radica en Suiza.
MSW, BSW. Kamelia Baez Solier - International Guest Teacher (Puerto Rico): Puerto Rican Clinical Social Worker dedicated to Child and Youth practice. He obtained his Bachelor's Degree in Social Work (BSW) from the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, later his Master's Degree in Clinical Social Work (MSW) from the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico and is currently studying the Doctoral Program in Clinical Social Work at the latter institution. . She is a certified Child Centered Gaming Therapist by the University of North Texas, United States, as well as a Counselor on Substance Use and Abuse by Puerto Rico & Florida Recovery Training Academy. As of 2017, he has dedicated himself to planning and coordinating actions in the area of mental health, where he has stood out by offering re-education and social reintegration services to the population that has committed sexual intercourse, as well as problems of substance use, child abuse. and victims of domestic violence. He has also had professional experiences at the San Juan Capestrano Psychiatric Hospital, where he trained to offer services in the Partial Hospitalization division. Currently, he is collaborating with the Puerto Rico Plays project, together with a team of professionals trained in Play Therapy. The service has been offered to children with acute stress and anxiety due to environmental catastrophes. She is currently the Director of Puerto Rico Play Therapy and President of the Center for New Opportunities for Change (NOAC) MK ENTERPRISE INC.
MNTCW, BSW. Poh Lin Lee - International Guest Teacher (Australia / France): Clinical Social Worker of Australian nationality. Bachelor of Social Work from Curtin University, Australia and Masters of Narrative Therapy and Community Work from the University of Melbourne, Australia. He has more than 15 years of experience in clinical practice with populations from various countries (Australia, Mongolia, Benin, Singapore, New Zealand, Malaysia, Palestine, Turkey, Ukraine, Germany, Greece, Spain and the United Kingdom) addressing the effects of experiences traumatic events in populations that have been victims of torture and political asylum. For the past 6 years he has been developing narrative practice through consultations and workshops for filmmakers, artists and content creators to assist in the development of projects and ethical explorations, dedicating himself to creatively co-investigating alternative narrative practices in response to trauma. , injustice and the operations of power that cause individuals, families and communities to limit their possibilities to guide their lives and expressions, which can reflect their values and commitments. She has participated as the protagonist and consultant in the film projects "Island of the Hungry Ghosts" and in "The Island" by director Gabrielle Brady. Currently she is also a consultant teacher at the Dulwich Center in Australia (Center founded by one of the creators of Narrative Therapy, Michael White) and is a Clinical Mentor at the School of Social Work at the University of Melbourne, serving as a tutor for the Master in Narrative Therapy and Community Work.
PhD, MSW, JD. Larry Alicea Rodríguez - Docente Colaborador Internacional (Puerto Rico):
Trabajador Social Clínico y Abogado con práctica terapéutica y forense. Licenciatura en Trabajo Social (BSW) por la Universidad de Puerto Rico. Maestría en Trabajo Social (MSW) con concentración en familias con niños por la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Río Piedras. Juris Doctor por la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico. Doctor en Trabajo Social por la Universidad de Puerto Rico. Fue Presidente del Colegio de Profesionales del Trabajo Social de Puerto Rico desde el 2012 hasta el 2018 volviendo a la presidencia este 2021, actualmente es Presidente para América Latina y el Caribe de la Federación Internacional de Trabajo Social (FITS), organización de la que también es miembro del Ejecutivo Mundial. Ha escrito artículos en periódicos, revistas profesionales y capítulos en libros editados, como también expositor en diversos países del mundo. Sus temas de interés son las violencias contra la población infanto-juvenil, específicamente la violencia sexual. De igual forma, estudia y trabaja como perito en los temas relacionados a asuntos de custodia, relocalización y relaciones filiales en los tribunales de familia de Puerto Rico. Es activista de Derechos Humanos, específicamente en asuntos del colectivo LGBTIQ. Además es Director del Programa de Apoyo a Víctimas de Abuso Sexual y sus Familias de la Universidad Carlos Albizu. Por último, ejerce como profesor adjunto a la Maestría en Trabajo Social Clínico de la Universidad Ana G. Méndez en el Recinto de Carolina donde enseña los cursos de teorías y modelos del comportamiento y de desarrollo humano, salud mental e intervención clínica. También es profesor del Programa de Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Río Piedras donde enseña los cursos de Intervención con Personas y Familias I y II, el curso de Trabajo Social y Homosexualidad y los cursos de Instrucción en Práctica Supervisada.
Mg, Ps. Francisco Romero Cabrera - Docente Invitado (Chile):
Psicólogo y Licenciado en Psicología por la Universidad de Valparaíso. Magíster en Psicología Clínica: Constructivista y Construccionista de la Universidad de Valparaíso. Diplomado en Terapia de juego por el Centro Metáfora. Diplomado en Desarrollo, Apego y Parentalidad por la Fundación América por la Infancia. Diplomando en Supervisión Clínica Sistémica-Vincular del Instituto Humaniza de Chile. Hoy en día se desempeña como docente de postgrado en la Universidad de Valparaíso y en otras universidades en cursos y diplomados sobre intervención infanto-juvenil. También es supervisor clínico y asesor técnico de programas especializados en infancia y adolescencia, en especial en la línea de maltrato, abuso sexual y trauma infanto-juvenil. Ha dictado distintas capacitaciones y cursos sobre intervención con niños y adolescentes en diferentes organismos en Chile y el extranjero. Actualmente pertenece al cuerpo docente del Instituto Grupo Palermo Chile, como también es miembro del Equipo Puerto Infancia de la Universidad de Valparaíso. Director de Alcotán Consultores. Cuenta con formación en modelos actualizados de abordaje del trauma y disociación (TCC, ARC, ITCT, SPARCS, entre otros). Con más de 8 años de experiencia en supervisión clínica.
DR. Zulmarie Hernandez Bello - International Guest Teacher (Puerto Rico): Clinical Social Worker. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Social Work from the University of Puerto Rico (BSW), a Master's Degree in Social Work (MSW) from the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico and a Doctorate in Education with a mention in Professional Counseling from the Inter-American University. Child Centered Play Therapist certified by the University of North Texas, United States. Advisor on Substance Use and Abuse for Puerto Rico & Florida Recovery Training Academy. She has done undergraduate and postgraduate teaching as a professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico (PUCPR), in that institution, she reached the rank of Assistant Professor in the Department of Clinical Social Work of the College of Graduate Studies in Behavioral Sciences and Matters of the community. He has collaborated and participated with various work committees at PUCPR, including the Accreditation Committee of the Middle State Commission on Higher Education, the Accreditation Committee of the Council on Social Work Education, and the Promotion and Recruitment Committee. She served as a Mentor for the Association of Graduate Students in Clinical Social Work (PUCPR, 2011-2018). Today she works as an academic at the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico.
MG, PS. Claudio Paredes Lopendía – Docente Nacional Invitado (Chile):
Psicólogo y Licenciado en Psicología por la Universidad Arturo Prat de Chile. Magíster en Psicología Jurídica e Intervención Psicosocial mención Peritaje Forense por la Universidad Mayor. Magíster en Gestión de Atención Primaria en Salud por la Universidad Andrés Bello. Diplomado en Salud Familiar y Comunitaria en Atención Primaria por la Universidad Santo Tomás. Docente de postgrado en la Universidad Andrés Bello en materias de Pericia, Intervención Familiar, Criminología y Victimología. También es docente de la Universidad Mayor y de la Universidad Arturo en la Región de la Araucanía para las Carreras de Psicología. Ha sido expositor y relator nacional e internacional en temáticas de Abuso Sexual, Evaluación Psicosocial y Salud Mental. Actualmente es perito psicólogo adscrito a la corte de apelaciones de Temuco, con experiencia en tribunales de Familia, Civil y Laboral, su experiencia ha radicado principalmente en causas penales de credibilidad del testimonio y meta-peritajes. Hoy en día es Coordinador de Salud Mental del CESFAM Victoria en el Sur de Chile.
DRA. MARÍA SOLEDAD LATORRE – Docente Colaborador IChTSC (Chile):
Trabajadora Social y Licenciada en Trabajo Social por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Magíster en Psicología Clínica, Estudios Sistémicos Avanzados en Familia y Pareja por la Universidad Alberto Hurtado y el Instituto Chileno de Terapia Familiar. Doctora en Psicología por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Postítulo en Justicia, Derechos y Políticas Públicas para la Infancia y la Adolescencia de la Universidad Diego Portales, Diplomado en Estrategias de Intervención en Abuso Sexual de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Especialización y experiencia en temas de trauma, violencia y abuso sexual infantil. Formación narrativa por PRANAS Chile. Experiencia docente en diversos programas de pregrado y postgrado variadas universidades chilenas. Se ha desempeñado como trabajadora social y directora en programas de Reparación en Maltrato, como coordinadora de Centros de la Mujer, trabajadora social en programas de atención a mujeres sobrevivientes de violencia sexual y como directora ejecutiva en Fundación para la Confianza. Ha sido expositora en diversos congreso y seminarios especializados en temáticas de trauma, violencia y abuso sexual infantil.
MG. Mauricio Díaz Valdés – Docente Colaborador IChTSC (Chile):
Trabajador Social y Licenciado en Trabajo Social por la Universidad del Bío Bío. Diplomado de Postítulo en Psicoterapia Sistémica y Familiar por la Universidad de Chile. Postítulo en Mediación Familiar y Comunitaria por la Universidad de La Frontera. Diplomado en Habilidades Sociales e Inserción Laboral por la Universidad del Bío-Bío. Diplomado en Desarrollo Social por la Universidad del Desarrollo. Magíster en Intervención Socio-Jurídica con Familias de la Universidad Andrés Bello. Ha sido expositor en diversos seminarios, cursos y charlas nacionales sobre Trabajo Social Clínico, Terapia Sistémica y Terapia Narrativa. Además, cuenta con una vasta experiencia como trabajador social en programas de vulnerabilidad social y pobreza; y en estos últimos años se ha desempeñado en Programas de Reparación del Maltrato Grave y Abuso Sexual con población Infanto-Juvenil, tanto en atención directa como terapeuta familiar y como coordinador técnico. Actualmente forma parte del Registro Nacional de Peritos externos de Fiscalía de Chile. Además realiza diversas relatorías para instituciones del país en el ámbito público y privado en Terapia Familiar para contextos de vulnerabilidad social.