Special Program for Clinical Supervision
Extraordinary Call - 2021
Chilean Institute of Clinical Social Work
ONLINE - Start in August 2021
"Open spaces for dialogue and therapeutic reflection: Clinical Supervision of Groups as solidarity practices"
Clinical Supervisors

MSW. E. Paola Grandón Zerega
Clinical Social Worker
B.Sc Major Psychology
BSW. Bachelor of Social Work
Master of Social Work: Mental Health Specialization

Mg. Paulina Saldías Guerra
Social worker
Family and Couples Therapist
Master in Clinical Psychology: Advanced Systemic Studies of the Family and the Couple
Associate Professor at IChTSC

Mg. Diego Reyes Barría
Clinical Social Worker
Narrative Systemic Therapist
Master in Clinical Psychology: Systemic-Relational Line
Clinical Supervisor

Mg. Rosa Barría Segovia
Social worker
Master in Relational Clinic with Children and their Parents
Postgraduate in Trauma Clinic and Relational Psychoanalysis
Associate Professor at IChTSC

General description
The present space that we provide as an institute is constituted by the need to be able to offer in an unprecedented way a service that is currently largely absent, both in institutions and in academic spaces of Social Work. Only some clinical supervision experiences exist in our country, and in fact, when they do exist, they are carried out by professionals from other disciplines, who are unable to respond to the disciplinary needs of Social Work with respect to their current practice, even more so to the clinical work that we carry out. . It is in this particular context that as an institute we have decided to open this space to form a community of colleagues who require and want to maintain constant clinical supervision, ensuring timely and quality access, both for those who practice clinical practice in Chile, as well as in others. Latin American or related countries.
Clinical supervision for us as IChTSC is a reflective and complementary space, it seeks to develop the clinical work of professionals from a collaborative ethic, both at a therapeutic level and at the level of their person as a professional. All this is framed in a reflective learning and experiential space from a broad framework of Social Justice. Therefore, we understand that in clinical supervision processes, supervisors fulfill the roles of mentors, guides, tutors and collaborators, through the ethical principles of Clinical Co-Vision, Critical Dialogue and Collaborative Clinical Supervision.
Due to the lack of formal and institutional spaces for Social Work professionals in our country, as well as in others. We as IChTSC have opened this project that translates into offering a clinical supervision service to provide timely and quality access to colleagues who wish to expand their clinical work and strengthen their therapeutic identity as professionals. Other university mental health professionals (such as psychologists, occupational therapists, psychiatrists, nurses) who are willing to work and obtain a complementary vision from Clinical Social Work can also participate in this space.
In general, in our professional culture there is a traditional view of supervision, which is usually implemented mainly from public policy under a logic that considers this space to be an intervention with an evaluative purpose of the performance of the professional who pursues or seeks the quality control of interventions and thus facilitate the effectiveness of interventions. This vision of clinical supervision tends to be approached from a directive approach and is generally approached from the perspective of the supervisor (as an expert) and his definition of what is supposed to be: “good or bad practices”, generating power differences between the supervised and supervised, thus enhancing feelings of fear, anguish and low self-esteem in the supervised (Ituarte, 1991, 2004; White, 2004, 2008; O'Neil and Del Mar, 2018). In other words, clinical supervision becomes an instance where someone with more power and experience criticizes the intervention carried out, quickly delivering supposed solutions for some techniques that should have been considered in the actions of those supervised. This makes us affirm that, commonly, there is a confusion in the practice settings, which confuse clinical counseling (aimed at strengthening the techniques for intervention), administrative supervision (supervision of financial resources, materials, folders or files for example ) and clinical supervision (supervision of therapeutic processes and ethical aspects).
As a response to the above, the professionals who supervise by the IChTSC do so from collaborative approaches, from critical, anti-oppressive and postmodern conversations. In this sense, clinical supervision is understood as a dialogic space where the supervisor / s and the supervised / s actively collaborate in an egalitarian and shared relationship with a vision of strengths, focused on resources and potentialities. This is how questions are asked that promote the professional's reflection, also integrating aspects of the therapist's person. From these perspectives, hypotheses are co-constructed in supervision and possible practices and a joint approach are developed.
The clinical supervision groups will be held for 3 hours, every 15 days, through the use of a digital platform (Virtual Campus Moodle) and a real-time session through the zoom platform. In each session, one of the participants will be able to supervise a clinical situation (be it a care performed or a personal work) and the others will be part of the reflective team that will support the co-vision space together with the clinical supervisors. The first cycle of clinical supervision groups will last 6 months.
General objectives
Provide a space for clinical supervision to strengthen practice with people and the person of the therapist.
Strengthen knowledge, skills and personal knowledge that allow enriching a preferred vision of the professional self according to biographical and professional experience.
Provide self-care and clinical work tools from a strengths-based, relational, critical and postmodern approach.
Activity Aimed at:
Social Workers with a professional university degree and / or academic degree of Bachelor of Social Work; as well as students of the last years of the career of Social Work of Universities. Other university mental health professionals (psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses, occupational therapists, etc.) can also enter. Professionals and / or students are expected to be working or practicing in some mental health or psychosocial context.
Clinical Supervisor Curriculum:
MSW. E. PAOLA GRANDÓN ZEREGA: Clinical Social Worker and Psychotherapist trained in Canada. Bachelor of Science: Major Psychology (B.Sc.) from the University of Toronto, Canada. Honors Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) from York University Canada and Master of Social Work (MSW): Mental Health Specialization from the University of Toronto Canada. Revalidation of the professional title of Social Assistant by the University of Chile and Postgraduate Diploma in Child-Youth Clinical Intervention Strategies by the University of Valparaíso. Current member of the Canadian Counseling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA). Today he is updating his postgraduate training in the Certificate Program in Traumatic Stress Studies of the Trauma Research Foundation of the United States.
MG. DIEGO REYES BARRÍA: Clinical Social Worker and Graduate in Social Work from the Universidad de La Frontera. Postgraduate Diploma in Systemic and Family Psychotherapy from the University of Chile. International Diploma in Narrative Practices: For Therapy and Community Work by PRANAS Chile and Narrative Practices Adelaide Australia. Master in Clinical Adult Psychology: Specialization in Relational Systemic Psychotherapy from the University of Chile. He has done undergraduate and graduate university teaching. He has enough direct clinical experience related to the therapeutic approach with the child-adolescent and family population in Chile on issues of intrafamily violence, sexual abuse and serious mistreatment. He has served for some years as a Clinical Advisor and Supervisor in Reparation Programs for Serious Maltreatment and Child Sexual Abuse in Chile, maintaining this practice today.
MG. PAULINA SALDIAS GUERRA: Social Worker from the Universidad del Pacífico, Family and Couples Therapist from the Institute of Psychiatry and Psychology of Santiago, Master in Clinical Psychology: Relational Systemic Studies of the Family and Couples from the Alberto Hurtado University and the Chilean Institute Family Therapy. Extensive experience in the intervention with individuals and families in psychosocial programs of the state network and private foundations, especially in the area of health, childhood and adolescence, from topics such as: children with commitments to their health (Conin, Coaniquem), substance use (Hogar de Cristo, Unicef, Central Metropolitan Health Service), care for families with various family conflicts (Ceaf –UCSH), sexual abuse and severe child abuse (Previf Hospital Dr. Luis Calvo Mackenna). She is currently a professor at the Silva Henríquez Catholic University and other universities such as the Alberto Hurtado University and the Autonomous University of Chile. Co-author of the book Intervention Model for Family Social Work (1998). Within his expertise is Systemic Family Therapy and social constructionism.
MG. ROSA BARRÍA SEGOVIA: Social worker and Bachelor of Social Work with a mention in Socio-Legal Intervention from the Alberto Hurtado University. Diploma in Socio-educational Interventions for children and adolescents in vulnerable situations from the Alberto Hurtado University. Diploma in Child Sexual Abuse in Diagnosis and Intervention Strategies by Ciclos Consultores. Master in Clinical Relational Psychology with children and their parents from the Alberto Hurtado University. Member of the American Association for Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work (American Association for Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work - AAPCSW) and of the International Association for Psychoanalysis and Relational Psychotherapy (IARPP chapter Chile). He currently works in the National Directorate of the National Service for Minors (SENAME) in Chile, in the design and evaluation team in the department of protection of rights. Associate Professor and part of the Teaching Team of the Chilean Institute of Clinical Socail Work, as well as of the School of Social Work of the Alberto Hurtado University of Chile.
This program has a maximum capacity of 30 people, who will be assigned to the days they select for clinical supervision. They will be grouped according to the preference of the day and will have clinical supervision with different supervisors.
Supervision Hours:
Interested persons must choose one of the following times to participate, which will have different supervisors each day, which will rotate according to availability.
Monday: 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Santiago de Chile time)
Tuesday: 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Santiago de Chile time)
Wednesday: 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Santiago de Chile time)
Thursday: 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Santiago de Chile time)
The start of group clinical supervision in extraordinary mode will be from September 6. The hours depend on the choice of the participants. For those who register in the extraordinary period, they can join simultaneously in 1 or 2 groups to recover total hours of the program.
The value to participate in these 6 training months will be $ 20,000.- Chilean pesos that are paid monthly by electronic transfer to the institute's bank account. The value for people who are not residents of Chile is USD $ 27, 00 American dollars that are paid monthly and paid via PayPal. The final certificate of this special program has a value of: 30,000.- Chilean pesos for the payment of institutional stamps, and is paid at the end of the period. For foreigners it will be USD $ 40.00 dollars.- For those who want their certificate to be sent in physical format, they will have to pay the shipping costs.
Place and Duration:
Moodle Platform (ICHTSC Virtual Campus) and Zoom (Pro). 6 Months of duration, beginning in September until December of this year.
This activity will be certified by the IChTSC, through a certificate with institutional stamps and stamp. This will express the certification of clinical supervision hours carried out, indicating the period completed. The total maximum hours in 6 months are 36 clinical hours. It will establish the number of hours of direct clinical supervision (that is, the person had to be directly supervised) and the other hours of complementary participation.
For more information consult: instituto@ichtsc.com
Steps to Enroll (follow the order of the steps):
People residing in Chile
Make the transfer to the Chilean Institute of Clinical Social Work Ltda. For the respective amount to the Current Account number 74737510 - Banco Santander - RUT 76.992.905-3
Send proof of payment to accounting@ichtsc.com (SUBJECT: CLINICAL SUPERVISION GROUPS)
Complete the form below: https://forms.gle/FP3Em9FJ5UduBB897
People residing abroad:
Make the transfer through the Pay Pal System for the value of US $ 27 American dollars. (Request payment link by email to instituto@ichtsc.com | or make the payment on the button at the bottom of the page.
Send proof of payment to accounting@ichtsc.com (SUBJECT: CLINICAL SUPERVISION GROUPS)
Complete the form below: https://forms.gle/FP3Em9FJ5UduBB897