The Latin American Journal of Clinical Social Work is constituted as a meeting space for the exchange of knowledge and knowledge regarding this disciplinary specialty and its related areas. We are the first magazine on Clinical Social Work in Spanish speaking worldwide and the first magazine on this disciplinary field in Latin America, the Caribbean and Ibero-America. The main objective is the dissemination of knowledge specialized in Latin American Clinical Social Work, as well as in other related contexts where this form of Social Work is currently being developed. Our journal is made up of a national editorial committee and an international advisory committee, who are clinical social workers and / or Social Work professionals with postgraduate training in the therapeutic field, in addition, many of them are representatives of Universities, Clinical Centers or participate representing to trade associations at the international level. We hope to give visibility to the clinical-therapeutic work carried out by Social Work professionals, both in Chile, as well as at a Latin American and global level; from a contemporary, critical, political and socially responsible perspective. Currently our magazine is part of the Network of Academic Journals of Social Work in Chile. Finally, we point out that the three specific objectives of this magazine are:
Document theoretical and / or experiential clinical work through research, clinical systematization or critical reflection.
Strengthen Clinical Social Work and the therapeutic identity of social workers in Latin America and the Caribbean or in other related contexts.
Provide a space for scientific and disciplinary dissemination that is open and free for the development, promotion and visibility of Clinical Social Work and its relevant areas of professional practice.
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Nuestros streaming oficiales son espacios relacionados a compartir diálogos, conversaciones y reflexiones públicas sobre diferentes temas de interés vinculados con el Trabajo Social Clínico en el escenario actual, tanto en Chile como en América Latina u otros países relacionados a esta especialidad, conectando temáticas de interés común para distintas poblaciones profesionales del Trabajo Social como también fuera de ella. La idea es vincularnos con la comunidad profesional interesada en estos temas para contribuir en una adecuada difusión, promoviendo la divulgación del conocimiento disciplinario y la investigación actual, con la finalidad de proporcionar un espacio de opinión informada para la comunidad.
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