International Seminar 2020
Chilean Institute of Clinical Social Work
Santiago de Chile
October 24th
Clinical Social Work in Sexual and Gender Affective Diversity: Clinical, Social and Political Approaches.
Dr. Jonathan Regalado Piñero
Clinical Social Worker
Doctor of Psychology
Director of the Spanish Institute of Clinical Social Work
General description
Although much progress has been made in freedom and rights for LGTBIQ people, we are still in a society where sexual diversity is condemned. Currently there are 72 countries in the world that penalize LGTBIQ people and in 8 even with the death penalty. On the other hand, 173 countries do not allow marriages between same-sex couples; and in the American continent 1 LGTB person is murdered a day. Heterosexism is one of the structural roots of this oppression; a way of seeing the world and a value system that prioritizes heterosexuality, assuming that it is the only appropriate manifestation of love and sexuality, thereby devaluing all forms of sexual diversity and social roles that deviate from the heterosexual pattern ( Ritter and Terndrup, 2002). Part of the thesis that gender roles must be determined by the fact of being a man or a woman (patriarchal binary sex-gender system). This oppressive factor, together with other biological, psychological and social variables, generate important barriers for LGBTIQ people to achieve sufficient levels of psychosocial well-being at certain stages of their life. This exclusive and unpublished webinar on this topic from the Clinical Social Work in Spanish-speaking countries, will make a general review on the basic issues related to sexual and gender affective diversity, analyzed from the perspective of Clinical Social Work, in order to propose keys and useful strategies for intervention clinic with this population.
The seminar will feature with 8 online pedagogical hours in real time by Zoom, with practical and experiential activities within the training process.
General objectives and competences:
The objective of the seminar is to provide a theoretical approach to the reality of LGBTIQ people, from an integrative and critical perspective, and methodological keys to address problems that frequently occur in individuals and families.
Seminar Topics
Theoretical approach to affective-sexual and gender diversity.
Environmental oppression and internalized oppression.
Frequent problems in the LGBTIQ population.
Keys for clinical evaluation in Social Work.
Elementary strategies for clinical intervention with the LGBTIQ population.
Seminar aimed at:
Social Workers with a professional university degree and / or academic degree of Bachelor of Social Work; as well as students of the last years of the career of Social Work of Universities. Other university mental health professionals (psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses, occupational therapists, etc.) can also study. Professionals and / or students are expected to be working or practicing in some mental health or psychosocial context.
Exhibitor Curriculum:
​​ Dr. Jonathan Regalado Piñero: Spanish Clinical Social Worker, Doctor in Psychology from the University of La Laguna, Master in Community Psychosocial Intervention from the University of La Laguna and University Expert in Psychotherapeutic Intervention UNED. University Expert in Neurofelicity applied to the field of health, Collegiate Training as Social Expert, Certified as Coach by the Spanish Institute of PNL & International Coaching Center (ICC), Certified as Practitioner of Neurolinguistic Programming by the Spanish Institute of PNL and ACOPROA, Titled in Eriksonian Clinical Hypnosis​ . Co-author of the book "Practices of Clinical Social Work" compiled by Amaya Ituarte (2017). He currently works as a Social Worker in the Public Social Services and exercises the independent practice of Clinical Social Work in a private practice at the Family Welfare Center of the Spanish Institute of Clinical Social Work. Trainer since 2013 in matters of evaluation and diagnosis in Social Work. He is also a promoter of community psychosocial intervention programs and a trainer in matters of clinical diagnosis and intervention in Social Work. Be part of the technical team of the PRISMA Tenerife Sur Network in defense of the LGTBIQ collective. Founding member of the Association for the Free Exercise of Social Work EM-SOCIAL. Coordinator of the Collegiate Commission of Clinical Social Work of the Official College of Social Work of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (First Spanish commission in Clinical Social Work). Coordinator of the Office of Clinical Social Work of the National Association of Social Workers in Free Practice. Dr. Regalado has a long and proven professional career in the specialty of Clinical Social Work, both in Spain and in Latin America, developing an intense work, both professional and teaching, for the defense, legitimacy and promotion of the specialty of Clinical Social Work in Iberoamerica. He is founder, director, researcher and a teacher at the Spanish Institute of Clinical Social Work, he also has 14 years of experience in clinical and social intervention, has intervened with more than 1,500 cases and has given more than 3,000 hours of specialized training.
Saturday, October 24 from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
70 professionals and / or students.
Professionals in General: $ 35,000 CLP.
Professionals from Sename, Social Exclusion Programs and Mental Health: $ 30,000 CLP.
Social Work students last years: $ 25,000 CLP (Send regular student certificate)
International Professionals: 40.00 USD (Payment via Paypal )
Moodle Platform (ICHTSC Virtual Campus) and Zoom (Pro)
All our courses are certified with a certificate of participation with a note, which is stamped and signed with their respective hours, name of the course, etc. This webinar, being special, has a double certification (IChTSC and IETSC). If there are people who need a registration certificate to be able to present it at their workplace, they can write to our institutional email, once the course registration has been made.
Steps to enroll:
Make the transfer to Chilean Institute of Clinical Social Work LTDA - Current Account 74737510 - Banco Santander - RUT: 76.992.905-3 or make the payment via Paypal
Confirmation notice email (Indicate International Seminar I):
Complete the form below:
For more information consult: ​