Clinical Conference
October 01, 2021
Chilean Institute of Clinical Social Work
Event Released and Certification Closed
"The therapeutic relationship: Dialogues and Reflections on a cornerstone in clinical practice with individuals and families in Social Work"
DSW, MSW. Alejandro Flores placeholder image
Bachelor of Arts
Clinical Social Worker
Master of Social Work
Doctor in Clinical Social Work
New Jersey, United States
The Chilean Institute of Clinical Social Work as an organization committed to the training, promotion and updating of the specialty. On this occasion, it will dictate an exclusive Clinical Conference. This activity is aimed at all university professionals in Social Work and related disciplines who carry out their direct practice with various populations, mainly those who work with adults and families in contexts of social risk and restitution of rights. This event brings to the fore a daily but vitally relevant issue in the professional practice of Clinical Social Work in our country, even more so when we work with people who are affected by mental health problems or institutionalized and affected by traumatic experiences; This condition requires competences, knowledge and practices that promote the personal agency of the actors, but at the same time place emphasis on the therapeutic link as a fundamental pillar to achieve safety and protection for people, clinical practice being a place located from a comprehensive, antiopressive and social justice paradigm. In this first approach in the country's public debate on this issue, the idea of dialoguing, re-thinking and deconstructing the classic praxis of Social Work is proposed to begin to think of ourselves as a discipline with a specialized identity, which can provide a singular, clinically critical view. and that is commensurate with those who have been oppressed and who may be subject to trauma. It is worth mentioning that this time we will have a clinical exchange from Social Work between the United States and Chile.
General description
In the last decades, contemporary thinking in clinical practice has reached a notorious enhancement within Clinical Social Work, and especially in the field of therapy with adults and families. One of the characteristics of this has revealed the need to be informed about the trauma, mainly attending to the premise that a large part of the population with whom the clinical social worker carries out his or her practice may be affected by this difficulty, since they are usually the most oppressed and violated segment of the population of our society (Goelitz & Stewart-Khan, 2013; Szczygiel, 2018; Brown, 2020; Reynolds, 2020). According to this vision, the idea of an asymmetric, neutral therapeutic relationship based on coercion is questioned, this involves, on the one hand, the rescue of singular experiences, narratives, the unique language of people, while on the other hand, The idea that adults and families are passive subjects or entities before the authorship of their lives and their therapeutic processes is rejected. This presupposes that the professionals position themselves rather from co-authorship, an active, collaborative position and as an intimate witness in the therapeutic process. Given that, the need to carry out a clinical practice from an antippressive framework, based on human rights and social justice, where the possibility of overcoming traumatic situations and serious subjective discomfort, should focus on co-creation of a safe, protective space and of therapeutic alliance with people. (Berthold, 2015; Graves and Shapiro, 2016; Grandón, 2020)
Given the above, the purpose of this event is to contribute to updating knowledge and therapeutic approaches with adults and families, helping to strengthen Clinical Social Work in various areas of direct practice, specifically in the context of mental health and psychosocial programs. responding with Social Justice to these professional scenarios.
General objectives:
Generate a reflective space through a broad conversation about the context of contemporary clinical practice of Clinical Social Work and the therapeutic relationship to rethink professional practice in Latin America.
Visualize and make known the essential knowledge about the therapeutic relationship in Clinical Social Work.
Propose new forms of therapeutic approach for the national context in direct practice with individuals and families, mainly in contexts of mental health and psychosocial programs.
Activity aimed at:
Preferably Social Workers with a university professional degree and / or academic degree of Bachelor of Social Work in Chile. Other mental health professionals can also participate but have limited spaces. Participants who formally register in our institutional form will be certified, as long as they are by direct agreement with us or special invitation, since there are 100 limited places, check in the email in case you can participate in the activity (institute @ ichtsc .com). However, any interested person can see the live transmission through our Facebook Live and YouTube channel of the Chilean Institute of Clinical Social Work.
Friday October 1st. From 3:00 am to 5:00 pm. (Chile Time)
15:00 hrs: Welcome
Mg. Diego Reyes Barría and MSW. E. Paola Grandón Zerega,
Directors of the Chilean Institute of Clinical Social Work
15:15: First presentation: DSW, MSW. Alejandro Flores (United States)
Value and Meaning of the Therapeutic Link in Clinical Social Work: Implications for clinical practice with the population subject to mental health problems and trauma.
16:00: Second Presentation: MSW. E. Paola Grandón Zerega and Mg. Diego Reyes Barría
Safety comes first: towards the construction of protective, safe and collaborative clinical practice from a trauma-informed, narrative and anti-oppressive vision.
16:45: Round of questions
five pm: Closing of Activity
The conference will be broadcast in real time on the YouTube channel of the Chilean Institute of Clinical Social Work and on the official Facebook page on the respective day and time. There is a quota of 100 people who will participate directly in the webinar but they are special reserved places and institutional agreements, only those people who actively participate in the activity will be certified. To watch the broadcast you only have to know the date and time indicated, or subscribe to our YouTube channel: || As well as our Facebook page:
For more information consult:
Rapporteurs Curriculum:
DSW, MSW. ALEJANDRO FLORES: Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), Bachelor of Art: Major in Psychology from Mercy College. Master of Social Work from New York University, and Doctor of Clinical Social Work (DSW) from Rutgers University and the Object Relations Institute, United States. Certification in Supervision in Clinical Social Work and Field Instructor in Social Work. He has obtained the Master Clinician Award from the University Behavioral Health Care. He has served as a clinical social worker at The Children's Aid Society, Jersey City Medical Center, Magellan Behavioral Health, UBHC-Brief Services, Newark Child and Adolescent OPS Mental Health Clinician, and Edison OPS Mental Health Clinician. He currently exercises a private practice as a psychotherapist in New Jersey in the United States.
MSW. E. PAOLA GRANDÓN ZEREGA: Clinical Social Worker and Psychotherapist trained in Canada. Bachelor of Science: Major Psychology (B.Sc.) from the University of Toronto, Canada. Honors Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) from York University Canada and Master of Social Work (MSW): Mental Health Specialization from the University of Toronto Canada. Revalidation of the professional title of Social Worker by the University of Chile, Level 1 Certificate in Narrative Therapy and Community Work by the Dulwich Center of Australia and Postgraduate Diploma in Child-Adolescent Clinical Intervention Strategies by the University of Valparaíso. Current member of the Canadian Counseling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA). She served as clinical supervisor, team leader and co-designer of the gender-specific residential program of the Jean Tweed Center for Women and their Families in Toronto, Canada. Today he has more than 20 years of therapeutic experience and clinical supervision in public and private institutions in the area of mental health, problem use, and dealing with traumatic experiences in adults as well as children and adolescents. Today he is doing a postgraduate update in the Certificate Program in Traumatic Stress Studies of the Trauma Research Foundation in the United States.
MG. DIEGO REYES BARRÍA: Clinical Social Worker and Graduate in Social Work from the Universidad de La Frontera. Postgraduate Diploma in Systemic and Family Psychotherapy from the University of Chile. International Diploma in Narrative Practices: For Therapy and Community Work by PRANAS Chile and Narrative Practices Adelaide Australia. Master in Clinical Adult Psychology: Specialization in Relational Systemic Psychotherapy from the University of Chile. He has done undergraduate and graduate university teaching. He has enough direct clinical experience related to the therapeutic approach with the child-adolescent and family population in Chile on issues of intrafamily violence, sexual abuse and serious mistreatment. Today he works as a Clinical Advisor and Supervisor in Reparation Programs for Serious Abuse and Child Sexual Abuse in Chile. Founder, teacher and co-director of the Chilean Institute of Clinical Social Work.