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The Chilean Institute of Clinical Social Work is a broad social project that seeks to contribute to  a great mission within our country, which is to enhance the subjective well-being of individuals, families, groups and communities, as well as developing the qualified practice of Clinical Social Work. Finally, we seek to collaborate in the development of mental health services and  settings  psychosocial, both in Chile, as in Latin America or other countries that need our knowledge, skills and knowledge.


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Welcome to write the history of Clinical Social Work in Chile or that of your country. Undoubtedly, your commitment and interest will be the basis for contributing to new professional challenges and multiple work settings, both locally and internationally.



We are a society of non-profit professionals, linked to developing knowledge and qualified practices in social workers and other mental health professionals, with the intention of contributing to different work settings related to clinical practice. Our project is seen as a professional community that seeks to contribute to the social reality of the country and of people, institutions and groups.

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What is Clinical Social Work?

"Clinical Social Work is a specialized practice of the profession, which is practiced through a due postgraduate training process and clinically supervised. The approaches and methodologies include the integration of Social Work methods with a therapeutic ends, from a broad framework  theoretical and epistemologies. The main activities and services of clinical social workers are oriented to carry out assesments, as well as  to systematize, supervise, investigate and advise clinically. One of the main ways to  professional practice is the application of different therapeutic practices, including its individual, family, group and collective modalities. Other clinical practices within the TSC are counseling, liberating social pedagogy in mental health, crisis intervention, advocacy, mediation, home visits and community work to therapeutic ends, among others". (IChTS, 2020)

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